South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks will host its annual HunterSAFE course in Milbank the first week of May. Classes will be offered May... Hunter Safety Course Set For Milbank

huntsafeSouth Dakota Game, Fish and Parks will host its annual HunterSAFE course in Milbank the first week of May. Classes will be offered May 2-3 from 6 to 9:30 p.m. at Milbank High School and May 5 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the trap shooting range. Students must be at least 12 years of age by the end of the year to be eligible for the course. “Students must attend all three days to receive their HuntSAFE card,” explained GFP Conservation officer Jamie Pekelder. “The course is free.”

The goal of the HuntSAFE course is to teach young hunters safe handling of firearms, in the home and in the field. The program also helps to develop safe, legal, and responsible hunters who are aware of South Dakota’s hunting heritage and who understand the hunter’s role and relationship with wildlife and the land. It also certifies a hunter under the age of 16 as eligible to apply for a hunting license.

Students must pre-register for the course on the SD Game, Fish and Parks website at
For questions, please contact Pekelder at 605-881-3778 or Adam Behnke at 605-881-3780.

Staff Writer

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