Third Annual Jason’s (Goose) Memory Co-Ed Softball Tourney Slated for August 22
Community August 5, 2015 Staff Writer 0

The third annual Jason’s (aka Goose Giessinger) Memory Co-Ed Softball Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, August 22, at Pribyl Park in Milbank (softball fields). Registrations are still being accepted.
Eleven teams have registered to date, but additional teams are welcome, according to Carolyn Giessinger, tournament coordinator. The deadline to register is Monday, August 10. The cost per team is $200 and must be paid in advance. The amount of payout for the winning teams will be determined by the number of teams registered. First and second place prizes will be given.
Current teams registered come from around the area including Milbank, Watertown, Sisseton, Summit and Castlewood. To register contact Carolyn at 949-0045 (text or call) or email at
The tournament is ASA sanctioned. Teams must have a minimum of four females. Concessions will be available and a 50/50 raffle will take place.
An added feature to the tournament is a memory fence. Anyone is welcome to hang the name of a loved one lost to suicide on the fence throughout the tournament. You do not need to play on a team to honor someone’s memory.
“We encourage people to come out, join in the fun, or just watch the action in support of suicide awareness,” mentioned Giessinger.
Jason was taken May 16, 2011 from suicide. He was an avid softball player. His family is raising money from this tournament for the Out of the Darkness Suicide Walk in Sioux Falls in September. The proceeds from the walk go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) to raise suicide awareness. All the money stays in the state of South Dakota. The family will participate in the walk this year for the fifth time and has raised between $3,000 and $5,000 in previous years.
Suicide is the number one cause of death for South Dakotans ages 15 to 24. It is the ninth leading cause of death overall in SD. On average, one person dies of suicide in SD every 2.5 days.
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