Deadlines Approaching For Shape Up Milbank Days
Community April 21, 2016 Staff Writer 0

It’s almost that time of the year again – time for spring cleaning. Shape Up Milbank days are set for Friday, May 6, through Saturday, May 14, to help get the dirty work done.
City-wide rummage sales are scheduled for Friday, May 6, and Saturday, May 7. Rummage sale details can be submitted for the group listing by contacting the Milbank City Office at 432-9575 or Deadline is Friday, April 22. A description of 25 words or less including the address is allowed.
Milbank Community Pride will again host a sandbox fill. Cost is $10 for a refill or $15 to fill a new sandbox. Sign up deadline is Friday, April 22. Call 605-432-5726 to schedule.
The Milbank Police Department will host a “drug take back” event Friday, May 6, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. “Expired or leftover prescription medications brought to the city office will be disposed of in a safe way,” stated Milbank Police Chief Boyd VanVooren.
The Milbank City Rubble Site will be open for free disposal of approved items. Electronics are accepted at the rubble site on a regular basis for a small fee. “We ask that you please do not leave electronics on the boulevards during Shape Up Milbank as they will not be picked up,” explained City Administrator Jason Kettwig. Disposal times are: Saturday, May 7, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Monday and Tuesday, May 9-10, from 1 to 4 p.m.; Wednesday through Friday, May 11-13, from 1 to 7 p.m.; and Saturday, May 14, from 1-3 p.m.
Large batteries can be discarded at the rubble site from May 6-14. A paint exchange will also take place at the rubble site. “Partially-gone but still usable paint can be exchanged for paint someone else has dropped off. Other exchanges are also welcome at the rubble site,” said Kettwig.
The National Guard of Milbank will assist in disposing of items on Saturday, May 14. Items must be placed on boulevards before 8 a.m. Tree branches are excluded and will not be picked up.
Aluminum cans can be dropped off at Lewis Family Drug for recycling. Proceeds will benefit the 2016 It Only Takes A Spark Cancer Walk.
Large appliances will be picked up from streets and boulevards by Vern’s Recycling for a fee of $5 each. Please call 605-432-9575 or 1-800-996-4253 to schedule a pickup.
For questions about any of these services, please call the Milbank City Office at 432-9575.
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