A cast of 29 children put their own spin on Sleeping Beauty in the debut production of the Whimsy Kids Theatre Company. The company, created by Whimsy on Main, brought Sleeping Beauty to life before a packed house on July 28, at the Central United Methodist Church.
Emma DeBoer played the bad fairy, Morgana, and Madi Thue, Allison Leddy, Autumn Fox and Maiah Brown playing the good fairies, Lilac, Daisy, Iris and Gardenia. Storytellers for the play were: Nadia Thue, Gold; Siri Bien, Silver; Hallie Schulte, Sapphire; Erica Johnson, Diamond; Camryn Popowski, Ruby; and Shaylee Schuchard, Emerald.
Members of the court were: Landon Brown, Prince Ferdinand; Sam Rick, Young Prince Ferdinand; Jessica Van Peursem, Princess Aurora; Beckham Berry, Squire; Brynlee Schmieg, Duchess of DillyDally; Bri Hicks, Baroness Von VerySnoot; Grant Van Peursem, Duke of Blusterville; Howie Zemlicka, Marquis Louis; Charlezton Ward, King Alfred; Kenadee Mueller, Queen Beatrice; and Caleb Rick, King Edward.
The gruesome ghouls were played by:Sam Rick, Garish; Grant Van Peursem, Grumble; Beckham Berry, Gunter; and Howie Zemlicka, Gus.
Featured as the forest animals were: Bianca Berry, Bippity rabbit; Ella Koplin, Ozzy owl; Bella Hicks, Pasquale squirrel; Kylynn Schwandt, Chickadee bird; Lillian Larsen and Brielle Bumgardner, Robins; and Adalynn Schmieg, Dandy deer.
“A special thank you to Central United Methodist for allowing us to take over the fellowship hall for a week, to Jessica Zemlicka and Lori Leddy for providing snacks for the kids, to The Valley Express for the publicity for our production, to VDP Studio for cast pictures and props, and to Patti Frazee for the spinning wheel,” stated Whimsy On Main co-owner and theater director, Amy Thue. “We were so excited and hope to continue these productions open to all kids. It is a great opportunity to showcase the amazingly talented kids of our community.”
Click here to view our full album of photos from the production!
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