The Valley Express and the Milbank Community Transit are your ticket to the 2016 Election. They are teaming up on November 8 to give... The Valley Express Offers Free Rides to Voters

_dsc0075-1The Valley Express and the Milbank Community Transit are your ticket to the 2016 Election. They are teaming up on November 8 to give you a free ride to the polls.

Rides are available from Community Transit from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and The Valley Express will pay for your ticket. If you want your vote to be counted, but don’t know how you will get to your polling place, schedule your ride today. Call Leona Poel at the Community Transit office. Phone 605-432-4866.

Get out and vote! Call Milbank Community Transit to arrange your ride today.

Staff Writer

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