Adults And Youth Excel At Grant County Farm & Home Show
Community January 17, 2017 Staff Writer 0
The 69th Annual Grant County Farm and Home Show was held January 13-14. Each year, the Grant County 4-H program holds crop and home exhibit judging. Grant County 4-H Youth Program Advisor Sara Koepke reported, “There were 47 crop entries and 99 home exhibits.”
The Milbank Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee sponsors the crop show with monetary first, second, and third place awards for each lot. This year, there were also two $100 drawings for crop exhibitors – one for youth and one for adult exhibitors. The winners were Kendra Schweer, youth, and Richard Schweer, adult. Exhibitors who placed first and second in the crop show will be entered in the 2017 State Crop Show in Watertown.
Grant County Farm and Home Show results:
Best in Show Crops
Grain Crops: Randy Busk, first; Dominic Fonder, second; and Randy Busk, third
Forages: Chuck Wollschlager, first; Rick Fonder, second; and Dan Bowen, third
Eggs: Devin Urban, first; Joanne Urban, second; and Ashlee Van Hoorn, thirdCrop Show
Dent Corn– Any Color: Dominic Fonder, first; Velma Wollschlager, second; Chuck Wollschlager, third
Shelled Corn: Randy Busk, first; Randy Busk, second; Randy Busk, third
Popcorn: Lawson Novy, first; Landon Novy, second
Soybeans: Randy Busk, first; Randy Busk, second; Randy Busk, third
Spring Wheat: Randy Busk, first; Kaden Schweer, second
Alfalfa Sample: Rick Fonder, first; Cailey Sime, second
Legume and Grass Mixture Sample: Donald Schweer, first
Prairie Hay Sample: Cailey Sime, first
Corn Silage: Chuck Wollschlager, first; Dan Bowen, second; Kylene Bowen, third
Alfalfa Haylage: Kylene Bowen, first; Dan Bowen, second; Chuck Wollschlager, third
High Moisture Corn Silage: Dan Bowen, first; Kylene Bowen, second
White eggs: Joanne Urban, first; Devin Urban, second; Sage Lawrence, third
Brown eggs: Devin Urban, first; Ashlee Van Hoorn, second; Joanne Urban, third
Other Color Eggs: Jace Peiker, first
Home Exhibits
Foods: Cailey Sime, beginner; William Karels, youth; Kathleen Andresen, adult
Photography: Casside Seezs, beginner; Owen Neely, youth; Tammie DeWald, adult
Clothing: Casside Seezs, beginner; Owen Neely, youth; Kathleen Andresen, adult
Visual Arts: Hope Karels, beginner; Sydney Zenk, youth; Dean Andresen, adult
Self-Determined: Hope Karels, beginner; William Karels, youth
Home Exhibits
Beginner Clothing: Dress: Hope Karels, first
Sleepwear: Casside Seezs, first
Accessory- Using Fabric: Elyse Reede, first; Kylene Bowen, second; Kylene Bowen, third
Household Accessory: Maddi May, first
Quilt Article: Casside Seezs, first
Crocheted Article: Brooke O’Farrell, first
Youth Clothing- Household Accessory: Owen Neely, first
Adult Clothing- Dress: Melissa Gall, first
Recycled Garment: Kathleen Andresen, first
Accessory- Using Fabric: Michelle Karges, first; Michelle Karges, second
Miscellaneous Constructed Article: Michelle Karges, second
Quilt Article: Linda Schwandt, first
Crocheted Article: Kathleen Andresen, first; Melissa O’Farrell, second; Melissa O’Farrell, third
Beginner Food- Bar Cookies: Casside Seezs, first
Drop Cookies: Rachel Schulte, first; Hope Karels, second
Molded Cookies: Cailey Sime, first
Cakes: Casside Seezs, first
Yeast Bread: Cailey Sime, first
Fudge: Cailey Sime, first
Canned Meat or Fish: Casside Seezs, first
Youth Food – Other Cookies: Michaelann Fonder, first
Cucumber Pickles, Sweet: William Karels, first
Canned Meat or Fish: Owen Neely, first
Jelly: William Karels, first
Adult Food- Molded Cookies: Tammie DeWald, first
Cakes: Kathleen Andresen, first
Pies and Pastries: Tammie DeWald, first
Canned Vegetables (other than tomato): Bruce Johnson, first
Cucumber Pickles- Sweet: Bruce Johnson, first; Bruce Johnson, second
Cucumber Pickles, Dill: Bruce Johnson, first
Relish: Bruce Johnson, first
Jam or Preserves: Michelle Schweer, first; Michelle Schweer, second
Beginner Photography: Candid photo of person: Casside Seezs, first; Casside Seezs, second
Portrait of One or More People: Cailey Sime, participation
Animals and/or with People: Cailey Sime, first; Cailey Sime, second; Casside Seezs, third
Landscape: Hope Karels, first; Casside Seezs, second; Cailey Sime, third
Still Life: Cailey Sime, participation
Close-up: Cailey Sime, second
Tourism or Promotion: Hope Karels, first; Cailey Sime, second
Youth Photography: Candid Photo of Person: Shelby Lee, first; Shelby Lee, second
Animals and/or with People: Sydney Zenk, second
Flowers or Plant: Megan Tschetter, first; Megan Tschetter, second; Shelby Lee, participation
Landscape: Owen Neely, first; Shelby Lee, second; Owen Lee, participation
Still Life: Sydney Zenk, first; Owen Neely, second
Close-up: Shelby Lee, first; Shelby Lee, participation
Tourism or Promotion: Owen Neely, participation
Artistic Photography: Sydney Zenk, first
Adult Photography: Animal and/or with People: Michelle Schweer, participation
Artistic Photography: Tammie DeWald, first
Beginner Visual Arts: Watercolor: Gabby O’Farrell, first
Ceramic- Any Finish: Kylene Bowen, first; Hope Karels, second
Paper -Other: Ryan O’Farrell, participation
Wood Construction or Finished Article: Elyse Reede, first; Hunter Reede, second; Tayton Reede, third
Miscellaneous Craft: Hope Karels, first; Kylene Bowen, second; Kylene Bowen, third
Youth Visual Arts- Wood construction or finished article: Sydney Zenk, first
Wooden Article- Painted: Sage Lawrence, first
Adult Visual Arts- Wood Construction or Finished Article: Myron Roggenbuck, first; Kathleen Andresen, second
Woodburning: Dean Andresen, first; Dean Andresen, second
Miscellaneous Craft: Kathleen Andresen
Beginner Self-Determined- Educational Display: Hope Karels, first; Hope Karels, second; Hope Karels, third
Youth Self-Determined- Educational Display: William Karels, first; William Karels, second
4-H Public Presentation Contest
Kylee Mogen – Community Service Can Change Your World, purple
William Karels – How to Build a Gaming Computer, purple
Hope Karels – Put the 4 H’s into Action, purple
Logan Meyer – My Experiences in Aerospace and Rocketry, purple
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