“Applications for the 2017-2018 Grant County Combined Appeal are now available,” stated Kerry Fish, chairperson of the campaign.
Fish said, “With the help of a gracious, caring community, the 2016-17 campaign was able to allocate $155,300 to 17 agencies last year. We are looking forward to another successful 2017-2018 Campaign.”
Applications have been mailed to the 2017 recipients and to any groups that requested one. Completed applications, with all supporting materials, are due back by Monday, June 19.
Community non-profit agencies are encouraged to apply for a grant from Combined Appeal by calling the Milbank Community Foundation at 432-9000 or e-mailing craig@milbankcf.org for an application packet. The Milbank Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life in Grant County.
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