Grant County Achievement Days: Beef, Sheep and Meat Goat Results
Community August 29, 2017 Staff Writer 0
Local youth excelled during the beef cattle, sheep and meat goat animal shows during the Grant County Achievement Days.
The beef show opened the day with Kadon Leddy being named Grand Champion breeding heifer. He also received Reserve Champion breeding heifer honors. In the market steer division, Korbin Leddy was named Grand Champion while Kadon Leddy was the Reserve Champion.
Several youth were honored with their showmanship skills in the beef show. Allison Leddy topped the senior division as Grand Champion. Kadon Leddy was named the senior Reserve Champion. In the junior category, Korbin Leddy was the Grand Champion and Tanner Mertens, Reserve Champion. For beginners, Garrett Mertens was named Grand Champion with Micah Tostenson as the Reserve Champion.
The sheep and meat goat shows took the center ring next. Taylor Dragt was crowned Grand Champion ewe and Grand Champion ram. Lily Breske was named Reserve Champion ewe and ram. In the market lamb division, Katie Vander Wal was named Grand Champion and Reserve Champion. Dylan Bohn was Grand Champion meat goat with Cara Berkner as Reserve Champion meat goat. Allison Leddy earned the Grand Champion meat goat title, and Dylan Bohn was Reserve Champion meat goat.
In showmanship judging, Taylor Dragt was named Grand Champion senior showmanship with Katie Vander Wal as Reserve Champion. Jasmine Smith was named Grand Champion junior showmanship, and Kylene Bowen as Reserve Champion. In the meat goat showmanship judging, Allison Leddy was named Grand Champion senior with Cara Berkner as Reserve Champion. Dylan Bohn was named Grand Champion in the junior division.
Beef Show
Prospect heifer calf – Micah Tostenson, first, purple
Prospect bull/steer calf – Micah Tostenson, first, blue
Charolais march junior yearling – Kadon Leddy, first, purple
Charolais early junior yearling heifer – Kadon Leddy, first, purple
Hereford early summer yearling heifer – Isaac Sousa, first, purple
Red angus march junior yearling heifer – Allison Leddy, first, purple
Crossbred march junior yearling heifer – Lindsey Mertens, first, blue
Market heifer – Marnie Van Lith, first, blue
Charolais market steer – Korbin Leddy, first, purple; Karlee Mertens, second, purple
Chianina market steer – Garrett Mertens, second, purple; Kadon Leddy, first, purple
Hereford market steer lightweight – Isaac Sousa, third, blue; Lindsey Mertens, second, blue; Allison Leddy, first, purple
Hereford market steer heavyweight – Mia Van Lith, second, blue; Isaac Sousa, first, blue
Maine-Anjou market steer – Tanner Mertens, first, purple
Crossbred market steer – Kadon Leddy, first, purple; Cailey Sime, second, blue
Sheep and Meat Goat Show
Commercial meat type: late spring ewe – Noah Steinlicht, first, purple
Dorset: late spring ewe – Lily Breske, first, purple; Taylor Dragt, second, purple
Targhee: late spring ewe – Laura Eilers, first, purple
Dorset; fall ewe lamb – Taylor Dragt, first, purple
Hampshire: yearling ewe – Kylene Bowen, first, blue
Dorset: late spring ram – Lily Brecke, first, purple; Taylor Dragt, second, purple
Dorset: fall ram lamb – Taylor Dragt, first, purple
Hampshire market wether – Jasmine Smith, first, blue; Kylene Bowen, second, blue
Cross red market ewe – Matthew Christensen, second, blue; Katie Vander Wal, first, purple
Crossbred market wether – Noah Steinlicht, second, blue; Katie Vander Wal, first, purple
Breeding meat goat: junior doe – Cars Berkner, first, purple; Cara Berkner, second, purple
Breeding meat goat: yearling doe – Dylan Bohn, first, purple
Meat goat: market doe – Crystal Spiering, second, blue; Crystal Spiering, third, blue; Allison Leddy, first, purple
Meat goat: market wether – Dylan Bohn, second, purple; Allison Leddy, first, purple
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