Milbank Middle School Celebrates World Read Aloud Day
Community February 3, 2018 Staff Writer 0
The seventh grade students of Milbank Middle School celebrated World Read Aloud Day 2018, Thursday, February 1.
Reading teacher, Mrs. Robin Simmons, promoted the nationwide event by inviting members of the local community to come into the classroom to read to the students, discuss the stories together, and to talk about the various occupations. Taking time to read to the students were Brent Wiethorn, Amy Thue, Scott Simmons, and Superintendent Graf.
The event is designed to advocate for literacy as a human right that belongs to all people. 750 million adults around the world (⅔ of them women) lack basic reading and writing skills. Reading aloud to children every day puts them almost a year ahead of children who do not receive daily read alouds. Take time to read!
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