Milbank Police Chief, Boyd VanVooren, presented certificates of achievement to 67 fifth graders who completed the Dare program on Wednesday, May 16. Chief VanVooren spoke to the students about how choices lead to consequences and thinking about consequences can help them make better choices.
Four students from each class read their Dare essays: Reese Rabe, Jesse Schneck, Darlene Keoke, and Jayce Jonason from Mrs. Korstjens’ class; Chaxton Goldammer, Sammi Grabow, Emmet Hanson, and Addisyn Krause from Mrs. Mielitz’s class; and Jacob Erickson, Graham Lightfield, Ella Sandvig, and Jessel Stengel from Ms. Buhler’s class.
High School Senior Shawn Stemsrud spoke on how Dare graduation is a start of many decisions that will shape your life, and how every decision changes the path you are on.
Mrs. Brandriet, Koch School Principal, presented a President’s Education Award to any fifth grade student who scored a four on the Smarter Balance assessment in reading or math this year and last year and also maintained a 3.5 GPA. The 31 students who received the award are: Alex De La Rosa, Cooper Hupke, Owen Tesch, Morgain Strain, Jesse Schneck, Jason Aburto, Noah Thompson, Sammi Grabow, Emmett Hanson, Brooke O’Farrell, Elyse Reede, Gregory Grabow, Keegin Carlin, Max Schulke, Qualon Grant, Ty Kettwig, Charles Whitesitt, Devon Dexter, Jack Linngren, Jessel Stengel, Landan Appl, Oliver Korth, Ryan O’Farrell, Tyra Berry, Ella Sandvig, Graham Lighfield, Jacob Bublitz, Joseph French, Mason Meister, Owen Fischer, and Shane Spiering.
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