The Junior Busy Bees 4-H club met Monday, October 8, with 17 members present. Vice President-Will Karels called the meeting to order. Kylynn Schwandt...

The Junior Busy Bees 4-H club met Monday, October 8, with 17 members present. Vice President-Will Karels called the meeting to order. Kylynn Schwandt was welcomed as a new member.

An election of officers was conducted. The new officers are president-William Karels; vice president-Jessica Pillatzki; secretary-Hope Karels; treasurer-Kendra Schweer; reporter-Ava Wienk; community service-Cailey Sime; program/sunshine-Madi Loeschke; photographer- Nadia Thue

During National 4-H week, members hung up 4-H magnets on school lockers. Members did radio spots and were live on the air. The OST posters were displayed in the Koch School hallway. A few members were able to attend the 4-H fun night.

4-H members will be available to babysit in the Koch School lunch room during conferences October 23-24. Members signed up for specific times to work.

The 4-H Courthouse Christmas tree was planned and decorations will be made at the next meeting.

A Tye Schaffer basket will be purchased for the November benefit.

Members were reminded of the November 4 Recognition Event in the Milbank High School lunchroom.

Lunch was served by the Schweer family.

The next meeting will be Sunday, November 18 at 2PM in the Grant County Courthouse basement. Lunch will be served by Cailey Sime. New members are welcome.

Contact Susan Karels at if you have any questions.

Staff Writer

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