Milbank veterans held their annual Veterans Day program at the Grant County Veterans Memorial on Wednesday, November 11. Originally called Armistice Day, it was the 101st National celebration of its kind to honor men and women who have served or are actively serving in the military.
This year, vehicles lined Dexter Avenue and the Unity Square parking lot in Milbank to pay their respects. The Milbank VFW was in charge the observance. Commander Preston Fischer led the Pledge of Allegiance and read the history and meaning of Veterans Day. The program also included the Call to Assembly and the Posting of Colors. VFW Post 3486 Rifle Squad performed the salute to fallen soldiers and played the traditional Taps. The event concluded with the Retiring of the Colors.
Organizations participating included: VFW Post 3486 and Firing Squad, American Legion Birch-Miller Post 9, Gertje-VanLith 229, Stockholm-Strandburg American Legion Post 171, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 19, and the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1054.
According to the latest Census report, there are over 17.4 million Americans now serving in our military. Over 1.6 million of them are women. Of the 16 million veterans who served during World War II, approximately 325,000 are still alive today.
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