St. Lawrence School in Milbank begins 2022 Catholic Schools Week tonight, Saturday, January 29, with Mass at St. Lawrence Catholic Church at 5 p.m. Kindergarten through sixth-grade students wear their khakis and blue, meet in the gym at 4:40 p.m, and sit with their teachers.
A free will BBQ meal follows at 6 p.m. This year’s celebration features a ranch theme called SonWest Round-Up, and the chow includes BBQs, hot dogs, chips, and a bar. Of course, Adam’s Ale is always available. Afterwards, you’ll be full as a tick, but stick around for Bingo –10 games –Yee Haw!
Schedule of Events – Saturday, January 29 – Friday, February 4
Saturday, Jan. 29: Catholic Schools Week Kicks Off
5 p.m.- Mass:
6 p.m.– BBQ Meal – Free Will Offering
7 pm. – 10 Games of Bingo
Monday, Jan. 31: Ultimate Plan!
Color Splash Monday—Wear all one Color
Born to Save—God Sends Moses
Tuesday, Feb. 1: Ultimate Power!
Tropical Tuesday—Dress for Warmer Weather.
Promise of Power—God Helps Moses
Soup Day 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m: Community members are invited!
Wednesday, Feb. 2: Ultimate Rescue!
Wacky Wednesday—Dress Wacky
Passover Rescue—God Rescues His People
Thursday, Feb. 3: Ultimate Trust!
Western-Rancher Day
Perfect Provision—God Feeds His People
All School Center Activities in the Afternoon (K-6)
Friday, Feb. 4: Ultimate Love!
Spirit Day—Wear Your Catholic Schools Week T-Shirt
Law of Love – God Loves His People
Mass – 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Open House – 9:30-11 a.m.
Band Concert – 9:45-10 a.m. Fifth Graders (in the Gym)
Movie – 12:25–2:10 p.m. Send a drink, a snack, and something to lie on.
Catholic Schools Week Round-Up – Songs and Action (in the gym) – 2:25-2:55 p.m.
Then, it’s back to the Barn!
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