Bulldogs Go 3-1 Against Minnesota Teams
Milbank Area Wrestling January 8, 2024 Staff 0

MHS hosted the 2024 Big Stone Therapies Dual Wrestling Tournament on Saturday, January 6 – an annual event that pits the Bulldogs against a variety of Minnesota teams. Milbank suffered just one loss to Dawson-Boyd-Lac qui Parle-Montevideo United to finish at 3-1. Their one loss was softened by the fact that Dawson-Boyd-Lac qui Parle-Montevideo United is currently ranked as the No. 5 team in Minnesota.
Bulldog Tate Schlueter compiled a perfect 4-0 record. “Tate had a quick day, securing a pin in under 50 seconds in all of his matches,” commented Josh Schmeichel, head coach for Milbank. Schmeichel also noted, “It was a big weekend for wrestling in Milbank. We started on Friday with the junior high wrestlers at home. It was a great opportunity for them to wrestle on full mat in front of our home crowd. We finished up with our youth tournament on Sunday.” Schmeichel also thanked everyone who helped at the tourney during the weekend. He gave extra kudos to the high school and middle school wrestlers, whom he said did an amazing job officiating and working the tables during all the tournaments.
Milbank 37 vs. Benson 33
Milbank started strong and ended with a 37-33 victory in their match against Benson, Minnesota. Owen Fischer, Joe French, Tate Schlueter and Hunter Reede each pinned their opponent. Evan Folk, Keaton Johnson and Jesse Schneck also put up wins.
“Hunter had a great day – going 3-1 – with three pins and he helped secure a couple of dual victories,” said Schmeichel. “Reese Rabe had a tough day – going 0-4– but he helped us beat Benson by keeping his match to only a 5-2 decision and giving up three points instead of six dual points. Joe and Nollen each had a decent day Schmeichel said, Both ended up going 2-2 –French started with two pins, and Sheeley had two wins by fall and one by forfeit. “Kyle Schneck went 1-3 on the day, but battled tough for a seventh grader. He got pinned twice, but only lost 5-1 against a ranked Minnesota wrestler.”
Results for Milbank:
106 Pounds – Evan Folk defeated Ed Way by major decision 10-1
113 Pounds – Kyle Schneck lost to Gavin Olson 5-1
120 Pounds – Owen Fischer pinned Tate Kobbermann :57
120 Pounds – Jacob Giles pinned by Mu tah Wah 2:22
132 Pounds – Jacob Johnson lost to Max Nygaard 2-1
138 Pounds – Jayce Jonason was pinned by Darin Hippe :45
144 Pounds – Keaton Johnson defeated Derek Johnson 6-5
150 Pounds – Joe French pinned Blake Wieme, 1:42
157 Pounds – Nollen Sheeley was pinned by Nick Bolduc 1:27
165 Pounds – Reese Rabe lost to Adrian Young 5- 2
175 Pounds – Tate Schlueter pinned Nick Dalench :25
190 Pounds – Jesse Schneck won by forfeit
215 Pounds – Hunter Reede pinned Jack Storlien 1:07
285 Pounds – Lawson Novy was pinned by Johnny Kobberman 3:43.
Milbank 12 vs. Dawson-Boyd-Lac qui Parle -Montevideo United 66
Johnson and Schlueter led Milbank against Dawson-Boyd-Lac qui Parle-Montevideo United. Each clinched their win with a pin. However, the Bulldogs as a team took the loss at 66-12. Owen Fischer went 3-1. “In the match he lost, we decided to bump him up to wrestle the No. 3-ranked Minnesota wrestler at 126 pounds, but he went out there and wrestled tough,” Schmeichel remarked. “This was the only match Jesse Schneck lost, and it was a close 7-4 decision. Evan Folk had a great day – going 3-1. The one match he lost was a tough match and he only lost by two points.”
Results for Milbank:
106 Pounds – E. Folk lost to Eli Olson 6-4
113 Pounds – K. Schneck was pinned by Gavin Mortenson, :57
120 Pounds – A. Folk was pinned by Tygan Long, 1:16
126 Pounds – Fischer was pinned by Ben Gunlogson, 4:38
132 Pounds – J. Johnson pinned Grayson Olson, 3:50
138 Pounds – Jonason was pinned by Holland Schacherer, :58
144 Pounds – K. Johnson was pinned by Adrian Norman, 1:10
150 Pounds – French was pinned by Daniel Gunlogson, 4:56
157 Pounds – Sheeley was pinned by Kammeron Sather, 3:05
165 Pounds – Rabe was pinned by Mason Pederson, :53
175 Pounds – Schlueter was pinned Gabe Lowry, :39
190 Pounds – J. Schneck was defeated by Parker Bothun, 7-4
215 Pounds – Reede was pinned by Zach DeBeer, :53
285 Pounds – Novy was pinned by Brady Rhode, :51
Milbank 57 vs. MAHACA 22
Milbank collected a 57-22 victory in their border battle with Morris Area-Hancock Area-Chokio-Alberta (MAHACA) Milbank’s score was positively affected when MAHACA lost six matches by forfeit.
“Lawson Novy had a good day as an eighth grader at 285 even though his record doesn’t show it,” Schmeichel said. “He went 0-4 on the day, but battled tough in every match against some pretty tough wrestlers.”
Results for Milbank:
106 Pounds – Folk won by forfeit;
113 Pounds – K. Schneck won by forfeit
120 Pounds – Fischer was pinned Xavier Kleindl, 1:49
126 Pounds – Giles won by forfeit
132 Pounds – J. Johnson won by forfeit
138 Pounds – Jonason was pinned by Grayson Gibson, :29
144 Pounds – K. Johnson won by forfeit
150 – French lost to Andrew Marty by major decision, 12-4
157 – Sheeley won by forfeit;
165 – Rabe was pinned by Ryker Erickson, 2:24
175 – Schlueter was pinned Connor Duncan, :42
190 – Schneck defeated Connor Olson, 3-2
215 – Reede pinned Issac Lhotka, 1:18
285 – Novy was pinned by Javon Johnson, 1:22
Milbank 46 vs. Border West 36
The Bulldogs made their way through the roster of Border West wrestlers and took down seven by pins. They claimed the win at 46-36. Fischer, Folk, French, J. Johnson, Reede, Schlueter, and Sheeley recorded the pins. J.Schneck also got a win by major fall.
“Jacob Johnson had a great day, going 3-1 with two pins,” Schmeichel recapped. “The one match he lost he kept to a 2-1 decision. Keaton Johnson did a good job as just an eighth grader. He went 2-2 on the day with a 6-5 decision and a forfeit for two wins.”
Results for Milbank:
106 Pounds – Folk pinned Brayden McLain, :55
113 – K. Schneck was pinned by Brock Martig, 3:40
120 Pounds – Fischer pinned Zach Rikimot, :28
126 Pounds – Giles was pinned by Tucker Hennessy, 1:25
132 Pounds – J. Johnson pinned Tryg Olson, :49
138 Pounds – Jonason was pinned by Gunner Hennessy, 1:04
144 Pounds – K. Johnson was pinned by Jude Olson, 1:40
150 Pounds – French pinned Owen Deal, 1:27
157 Pounds – Sheeley pinned Kevin Casper, 1:12
165 Pounds – Rabe was pinned by Brody Nachbor, 1:07
175 Pounds – Schlueter pinned Alexander Murphy, :46
190 Pounds – J. Schneck defeated Ben Pederson by major decision, 10-2
215 Pounds – Reede pinned Tyler Groebner, 1:19
285 Pounds – Novy was pinned by Noah Adelman, 3:57
Girls Division
Mackenzie Mueller and Aza Scavariel competed in the girls division. Scavariel placed third by pinning Serenity Boyda of Sioux Falls Washington at 2:35. Scavariel was pinned by Payton Raastad at 1:59 and Olivia Kolbrek at 1:22. Both were also from Sioux Falls Washington. Mueller finished fourth. She was pinned by Halle Bolduc of Benson at 1:05, Ashlin Gibson of MAHACA at 3:30, and Jade Marty, also of MAHACA, at 1:04.
JV Matches
Results for Milbank:
120-125 pounds – Andrew Folk – Second Place- Folk defeated Teague Nachbor of Border West by forfeit. Folk was pinned by David Torgerson of Dawson-Boyd-Lac qui Parle-Montevideo United at :57. Folk defeated Miguel De La Torre of DawsonBoyd-Lac qui Parle-Montevideo United, 7-2.
150-160 pounds – Lane Johnson – Fourth Place- Johnson lost by major decision (8-0) to Trenton Te Slaa of Harrisburg. Johnson lost by major decision (11-0) to Jacob Lingen of Sioux Falls Washington. Johnson was pinned by Corbin Spalding of Sioux Falls Washington at 2:42.
164 pounds – Brody Job – Fourth Place- Job was pinned by Gage Peterman of Harrisburg at 2:54. He was pinned by Samuel Thompson of Harrisburg at 2:19. Job was pinned by Jackson Paterra, also of Harrisburg, at 3:27.
190-205 Pounds – Cody Wiik – Wiik was pinned by Tristan Nelson of DawsonBoyd-Lac qui Parle-Montevideo United at 1:25. Wiik won by forfeit over Taylor Ellingson of Border West.
190-205 Rashawn Gertsema – Gertsema was pinned by Noah Burns of Harrisburg at 5:58. He lost by technical fall (15-0) to Eli Hutton of Harrisburg.
What’s next for the Bulldogs? Milbank was scheduled to go on the road this Saturday, January 13, to face Mitchell. Due to inclement weather the match has been canceled.
Photo: Tate Schlueter
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