Isn’t it awesome! If you are lucky enough to have or have had a grandparent, you probably understand the thousands of reasons why the... Jace Peiker Writes Winning Grandparent Essay

Isn’t it awesome! If you are lucky enough to have or have had a grandparent, you probably understand the thousands of reasons why the grandparent-grandchild relationship is special. Jace Peiker put his thoughts down on paper and won the local grandparent essay contest sponsored by the Milbank Area Retired Teachers/Personnel Association (MARTA) and AARP South Dakota. Jace wrote about his grandfather Galen Bauman who lives in Watertown.

Jax Jonason won second place and Brytten Schmeig and Leeah Schwandt tied for third. Jace’s essay advances to the regional and state competitions. The winner of the state competition will be invited to read their essay at the 2024 South Dakota Retired School Personnel (SDRSP) Convention in May.

For over 20 years, AARP South Dakota and the SDRSP have co-sponsored the annual grandparent essay contest that is open to all fifth graders. The goal is to raise awareness of the more than 8,000 South Dakota children who live in grandparent-headed households, to acknowledge the important connection between the generations, and to highlight the contributions senior members make in many families.

Jace’s winning essay:
My grandfather’s name is Galen Bauman. He is a respected member of our family. He was born in Webster, SD and currently lives in Watertown, SD. He is 74 years old. He has always been a hard worker and has earned a strong name in his community. He built many stores, buildings and schools including the Redlin Art Center and First Bank and Trust. Galen is also a veteran that served in the Air Force in 1969-1973. He was drafted while attending South Dakota State University. Most recently, he is facing major health challenges. He is important to me because he has been a positive role model. I have watched him through his good days and when his health has recently declined. In this essay I will talk about the times we went to Rapid City to see family, camping with him every summer, and when l’ve stayed at his house.

First, I love to recall some memories we have made traveling to Rapid City. My extended family all goes to visit family and vacation. Grandpa Galen loves to ride along for the company. We get to stay in a hotel and he watches the kids swim. We have visited Mt. Rushmore and helped Grandpa walk up all the stairs to the viewing wall. Grandpa always has to bring his dog, Lucy, on the trip. The car ride is long, but this allows for laughing and sharing stories with Grandpa.

Second, I love to go camping with Grandpa. Grandpa usually camps close to Watertown. He will camp for a long time and invite me to stay in his camper. We have camp fires, grill burgers and swim at the lake. Grandpa is funny when he shoots flies with a salt gun or bug zapper. I hope I get to camp many more summers with Grandpa.

Third, I have been able to stay at Grandpa’s house frequently due to his health concerns. Grandpa hasn’t been able to mow or shovel snow due to leg wounds. I get to go help him do chores and earn money. We have surprised him with stayovers just to make him happy. I know he is lonely living alone.

Overall, Grandpa Galen is a fun, loving, honorable grandpa. I enjoy hearing his stories and hope to hear many more. I will always look up to him for being in the Air Force. I hope that my Grandpa and I can continue to have many opportunities to be together and make a lifetime of memories. I hope my grandparent is the AARP Grandparent of the Year.

Submitted picture: Leeah Schwandt, Brytten Schmieg, Jace Peiker, Jax Jonason


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