It took “watts” of energy for the Otter Tail team to win Milbank’s first-ever fire truck pull to benefit the Special Olympics. The Otter Tail Power team moved the load 45 feet in 16.77 seconds– the fastest time of the 18 10-member teams that competed. OTP gained the title, bragging rights, and the traveling trophy. Revillo Farmers Elevator took second place by combining forces to complete the tug o’ war in 18.64 seconds. The teams each raised $500 that will be split between the Milbank and South Dakota Special Olympics.
First Bank & Trust
Milbank Police Department
Milbank Fire and Rescue
South Dakota National Guard (nine members)
Milbank Football Boys
Milbank Booster Club
Revillo Farmers Elevator
LaBolt Elevator
Valley Queen
Dakota Granite
Johnson Family Dentistry
State Farm
Watertown Police Department
Milbank Ford
Twin Valley Tire
OtterTail Power
Otter Tail Power Plant
Peggy Griener, co-coordinator of the event, said, “Thank you to the teams, sponsors, and spectators for participating in this event. We are blessed to have a community that supports the Special Olympics.”
Bottom Photo Submitted: Winning Team—-Otter Tail Power Plant along with Reese Schuneman from the Special Olympic Team
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