The annual National Night Out event, sponsored by the Milbank Police Department, Grant County Sheriff’s Office, South Dakota Highway Patrol, Game, Fish and Parks, Grant-Roberts Ambulance Service and the Milbank Fire Department was rated a success by event organizers.
For the first time, the event was held at Lake Farley Park. “I think people like it outdoors,” said Police Chief Boyd Van Vooren. “We were able to spread out and people had good, clean fun.”
Children enjoyed activities and games and the fire department hosted it’s annual Burger and Brat Feed. “We served approximately 550 people,” noted Tammy Schuelke, wife of Kevin Schuelke, Fire Chief. “It was a good turnout considering how hot it was outside.”
Six Hot Wheels bikes were given away by the police department. Winners of the bikes were: Ethan Richardt, Camden Kremeier, Gregory Grabow, Levi Morgan, Kenadee Mueller, and Jada Wellnitz.
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