MHS King and Queen Homecoming Candidates Announced
Local News September 2, 2015 Staff Writer 0

MHS Royalty Candidates: Front Row: Shelby Hooth, Mikayla Street, Ellie Webb, Morgan Schmitt. Back Row: Tyler Johnson, Chris Loutsch, Kyle Montag, Isaac Snaza.
Milbank High School students have selected candidates for king and queen in preparation for Homecoming 2015 slated for September 14-18.
Vying for the queen crown are: Shelby Booth, daughter of Shaun and Denise Booth; Morgan Schmitt, daughter of Neal and Lisa Schmitt; Mikayla Street, daughter of Grant and Shari Street; and Ellie Webb, daughter of Crispin and Nancy Webb. King candidates are: Tyler Johnson, son of Lance and Dina Johnson; Chris Loutsch, son of Jeff and Marie Loutsch; Kyle Montag, son of Larry and Anne Montag; and Isaac Snaza, son of Brad and Sara Snaza.

Class Attendants: Front Row: Chloe Bender, Maty Lightfield, Macie Redmond. Back Row: Jake Fox, Andrew Falk, Tyler Millim.
The remainder of the royal court includes Junior class attendants Macie Redmond, daughter of Jason and Geri Redmond and Tyler Millim, son of Jane Millim; Sophomore attendants Maty Lightfield, daughter of John and Kim Lightfield and Andrew Falk, son of Wade and Jennifer Falk, and Freshmen attendants Chloe Bender, daughter of Neal and Jaimee Bender and Jake Fox, son of Brian and Renae Fox.
Coronation takes place Monday, September 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the high school gym. This year’s theme is Commercials. Entertaining the public with their skit choices will be the senior class with “Jack Link’s”, junior class with “Direct TV”, the sophomores with “Old Spice” and the freshmen class with “State Farm”. The Student Council will have their own skit and will incorporate the class skits into it. Judging will be held for the class skits and window decorations.
The 2014 royalty, Brady Krause and Anna Kurtz, will return to crown the new king and queen. The night will conclude with the annual hot dog feed in the cafeteria and the burning of the “M” in the parking lot east of the school and north of the football field.
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