New Year, New Session
Old John Wiik January 8, 2016 Staff 0
We’ve made it past New Year’s, and we’re a week away from the start of the 2016 legislative session. First of all, as some of you already know, I have made it official, I am seeking a second term in the SD House. If you’re interested in signing a petition for me or for my fellow District 4 Representative Fred Deutsch, drop me a line at and I’ll do my best to connect with you. I intend to deliver my completed petitions to the Secretary of State’s office personally on January 12th before the start of the first day of the 91st Legislative Session.
With that out of the way, let’s preview the upcoming session. First of all, there will be much discussion about the Blue Ribbon Task Force. The Governor will announce his plans for meeting the Task Force’s recommendations in the State of the State Address on January 12th.
Governor Daugaard also will speak more about his intentions to expand Medicaid during this address. Much is still up in the air with this plan, pending Federal Government approval. Until I see something that makes sense on paper, I am very skeptical to say the least that any expansion is a good idea. The Governor offered to meet with us before session, and since I couldn’t make it to either the Aberdeen or Sioux Falls meetings due to prior conflicts, I have heard there is another meeting scheduled at the beginning of Session to make his case to us more candidly. If that meeting is offered, I will attend and hear both sides.
Those are the big two things the press is talking about. Other highlights will be a locker room privacy bill dealing with high schools and transgender students. We will examine school district boundaries, county taxes, and water management, just to name a few. I promise, you will hear a news report about a few things and wonder if that’s a state priority, but remember, there are 105 legislators and they are welcome to introduce any bill that they see fit, and each one deserves and will receive a proper hearing.
As I prepare to depart for Pierre for the session, I look forward to hearing from you. Email is the best way to reach me: Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in the South Dakota House of Representatives.
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