Three Positions Open On Whetstone Valley Electric Board Of Directors
Local News January 19, 2016 Staff Writer 0

Whetstone Valley Electric Cooperative is busy preparing and making plans for its 75th annual meeting set for Thursday, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. in the Milbank High School gymnasium.
The board of directors of the co-op has three open seats on its board this year, which will be voted on at the annual meeting, according to Bill Tostenson, board president, and Dave Page, Whetstone Valley Electric director.
Each position is for a three-year term. The open seats available are from District 7, Alban and Grant Center; District 8, Stockholm, Madison and Vernon, and District 9, Waverly, Troy, Georgia, Adams and Antelope Valley. The directors serving these districts are Nancy Johnson, District 7; Krista Atyeo-Gortmaker, District 8, and Paul Nelson, District 9. The current members are eligible for re-election.
“A director has the opportunity to represent the co-op in a variety of ways,” explained Page. “He/she has the opportunity to demonstrate leadership qualities and increase his or her knowledge within the cooperative business environment and the electrical industry.” Tostenson added, “As a director, you have the satisfaction of knowing you are a significant part of the future development of Whetstone Valley Electric Cooperative.”
In addition to the many rewards of being a director, important responsibilities of the position include being prepared to abide by and uphold the bylaws of the cooperative. You must act as a trustee for WVEC assets, aid in formulating, approving and reviewing policies to provide guidelines for the cooperative. The candidate should possess the ability to respond to member’s concerns and questions, be available to their constituents and have a genuine spirit of wanting to help at all times.
The board is responsible for sending representatives to the associations of which the cooperative is a member. Directors represent the cooperative at meetings of East River Electric Power Cooperative, South Dakota Rural Electric Association, Basin Electric Power Cooperative and the National Rural Electric Association. Board members attend seminars and meetings of several organizations. They may be asked to lobby and remain informed on pertinent legislative issues. Some reading and studying is necessary to keep informed of current Rural Utilities Service (RUS) happenings and how they may affect the co-op. The board reviews financial reports, work plans and audits. They approve budgets and large purchases of equipment and other capital expenditures. It is also their job to evaluate operations and develop long-term plans to assure the financial and operational stability of the cooperative. Board meetings usually occur the third Thursday of each month at 8 a.m. The total estimated time of director duty, including board meeting days, is approximately 30 days per year. Directors are compensated per diem for their time and personal expenses.
If you are interested in becoming a candidate for the WVEC Board of Directors, contact the WVEC office at 605-432-5331 or stop by to pick up a petition.
The candidate petition must have at least six member signatures and be returned to the Whetstone office no later than 12 noon on Friday, February 12.
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