Young and old alike have yet another outdoor activity to take part in thanks to many businesses within the Milbank community. A new Frisbee golf course was erected at Pribyl Park July 24.
The idea was put into action by Cheri Meagher and her family. “My kids enjoy playing Frisbee golf but had to drive to either LaBolt or Hartford Beach to play. I was always nervous about them driving that far when they were younger just to play, and I know there are many young kids who do that today. We just felt this was a way to keep kids off the streets and doing something active.”
Cheri along with her son, Tanner, and friends Ryan and Seth Hartman, designed the 9-hole course and installed the baskets Sunday, July 24. The course caught on quickly as many have enjoyed the game already.
Now, a spray-painted line indicates where players must start each hole. In the near future, signs indicating the par for each hole will be added as well as tee boxes. “We also hope to start some leagues and tournaments,” Cheri said.
For those who are not familiar with the sport, special Frisbees (or discs) must be used. Discs are generally divided into three categories – putters, all-purpose mid-range discs and drivers. The discs used for Frisbee golf are not your typical Frisbee used to throw around in the yard. These discs are much smaller and heavier than the traditional disc and are designed for control, speed and accuracy.
“Many businesses have helped sponsor the course, and we appreciate their support.” stated Meagher. Additional hole sponsors are being sought. To contribute to the course, please contact Cheri at Speedway.
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