County Commissioners Approve Budget Transfers
Local News January 2, 2017 Staff Writer 0

The Grant County Commissioners met Thursday, December 29, at the Grant County Courthouse. Grant County Auditor Karen Layher reviewed the 2016 year-end budget and requested a transfer of money from the general fund to the contingency fund.
“Our contingency budget took a big hit this year,” Layher said. “Several line items, such as the jail, States Attorney, court appointed attorney fees, parks, and extension had larger items than anticipated.” The board approved the transfer of $112,030.
The difference reportedly is due to several factors: jail costs increased because of the number of inmates with dental and health issues, States Attorney fees were greater due to several cases involving deposition fees and a murder case, and an increase in court appointed attorney requests. Layher stated the majority of those fees are never paid back. Clean up and improvements were also made to Flynn Trail and the 4-H grounds that contributed to the budget overrun.
In addition to the $112,030, the board approved a transfer of $22,500 from the general fund to the contingency fund for a total of $134,530. They also allocated $20,000 for the Big Stone Fire Department’s fund to purchase a new truck. The board made an allocation of $2,500 to Milbank Community Transit to support its operational costs.
A public hearing was held and the second reading of Ordinance 2016-01A took place. No one was present for comments and the board had no further discussions. The ordinance passed unanimously.
Layher read the proclamation from Governor Daugaard declaring Grant County a disaster area as a result of the ice storm on December 25. No action was taken.
The board reviewed the zoning ordinance to add the definition of light industrial use to Section 1215 and listed use in Section 1101. The commissioners moved to have the Planning and Zoning Board review the ordinance.
The next meeting of the Grant County Commissioners is Tuesday, January 3, at 8 a.m.
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