The Milbank Fire Department elected officers during its annual meeting April 6, at the Milbank Fire Hall. Kevin Schuelke remains the Fire Chief. Assistant Fire Chiefs are David Giesen and Chad Wientges. Six truck captains were also selected: Craig DeBoer, Justin Mathiason, Dean Wellnitz, Jason Krause, Kyle Schwandt, and Steve Spors. Mike Hanson will serve as the department secretary and Evan Grong as the treasurer. Active members are: Jason Fraasch, Matt Foell, Dylan Howen, Jesse Morton, David Mogard, Jacob Wellnitz, Brett Storm, Travis Whitesitt, Curt Berkner, Scott Neidert, Bill Rise, Ronnie Krause, Jason Sackreiter, Marlin Snell, Brian Homan, Bill Jurgens, Ross Jurgens, Blaine Schell, Mike Mach, Joe Weber, Eric Stengel, Jason Wellnitz, and Nate Spors.
The Milbank Fire Department will host the Northeast District Fire School on Saturday, April 22. A combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training will be offered for up to 100 firefighters.
There are seven districts in the South Dakota Firefighters Association. Milbank is a part of Northeast District #2, which is comprised of Grant, Roberts, Marshall, Day, Codington, Hamlin, Clark, Spink, and Brown counties.
Elected officers are: (l. to r.) Steve Spors, Dean Wellnitz, Kyle Schwandt, Jason Krause, Craig DeBoer, and Justin Mathiason. Front row: Evan Grong, Kevin Schuelke, Chad Wientges, and Mike Hanson. Not pictured is David Giesen.
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