Grant County 4-H’ers participated in the 4-H Dog Project this summer and finished by holding their dog show July 25, at the 4-H grounds. The overall winner was Cara Berkner. The hardest worker awards went to Kendra and Kalli Grong.
Topping the field in showmanship were Kylie Mogen, senior; Sage Locke, junior; and Isabella Anderson, beginner. Top finishers in the obedience class were Cara Berkner, senior; Sage Locke, junior; and Mason Locke, beginner. Bailey Storm was the top senior in the rally show. Isabella Anderson was the top beginner. In the agility class, top winners Cara Berkner, senior; and Isabella Anderson, beginner.
Ribbon winners: Showmanship
Seniors – Kylie Mogen, purple; Katie Mogen, blue; Bailey Storm, purple; and Cara Berkner, purple.
Juniors – Sage Locke, red.
Beginners – Mason Locke, blue; Isabella Anderson, purple; Kalli Grong, blue; and Hailey Zinter, blue.
Seniors – Kylie Mogen, blue, purple; Katie Mogen, blue; and Cara Berkner, blue, purple.
Juniors – Sage Locke, blue.
Beginners – Mason Locke, purple; Isabella Anderson, blue; Kalli Grong, purple; Hailey Zinter, purple; and Lily Pekelder, blue.
Seniors – Bailey Storm, purple; and Cara Berkner, purple (2).
Beginners – Isabella Anderson, blue.
Seniors – Bailey Storm, purple; and Cara Berkner, blue, purple.
Beginners – Isabella Anderson, purple.
Photo: Cloverbud Kendra Grong
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