Grant County 4-H’ers and Volunteers Win Year-End Awards
Local News November 7, 2017 Staff Writer 0

The annual Grant County 4-H recognition event took place Sunday, November 5, at Milbank High School. Eight youth completed their 4-H career. Each year individuals, businesses or organizations are recognized for their contributions to the program. According to Sara Koepke, Grant County 4-H Youth Program Advisor, Friends of 4-H award winners were United Hardware Distributing for its donations of supplies and Berkner Excavating for their countless efforts in maintaining and improving the Grant County 4-H Grounds over the years.
They graduate from the program the year they graduate from high school or the year they turn 18. Recognized for this achievement were: Cara Berkner, Jimmie Berkner, William Mischel, Kathryn Mogen, Josh Pillatzki, Bailey Storm, Jordan Thiele, and Sydney Zenk.
Every year, Grant County 4-H Leaders award scholarships to youth enrolled as full-time students continuing their education. This year’s Grant County 4-H Leaders scholarship recipients are Jimmie Berkner and Bailey Storm.
Three 4-H leaders were recognized for their years of service to the 4-H program. Larry Thompson and John Schwagel were honored for five years of service, and Krecia Leddy was recognized for 10 years of service.
This year marked the 12th anniversary of the Outstanding Beginner award. “This award is based on the record book along with other criteria and graciously sponsored by Donnie & Krecia Leddy,” stated Koepke. Elyse Reede of the Madison Junior Livestock 4-H Club was named Outstanding Beginner.
The Diane Frevert Memorial award started in 1995 is given to the top 4-H member 12 years of age and under (both a girl and a boy). Earning the awards were Casside Seezs and Owen Neeley.
The Kay Wolff Youth-In-Action Memorial Award was presented to Madi Loeschke. Wolff was a leader of Stateline Dairy and Livestock and a promoter of various youth programs.
A 4-H Livestock award was developed this year and graciously sponsored by Semex Genetics and Greg and Andrea Bohn. The award recognizes a 4-H member for their involvement with animals and agriculture. Youth must show and have knowledge of their animal, decision making, and record keeping for their animal project. This year’s recipient of the 4-H Livestock Award was Kadon Leddy of the Madison Jr Livestock 4-H Club.
The Grant County 4-H Top Horseman Award recognizes a 4-H member for their involvement, commitment to, and a passion for horses as well as leadership in their 4-H club and community. This year’s Top Horseman award went to Cassidy Schwagel of Northern Lights 4-H Club.
In 1995, the family of Arlene Dockter established a memorial award in honor of Arlene, who was a long-time 4-H leader in Grant County. This award is given to the member who was recognized as the Top Senior in Senior Western Stock Seat at the Grant County 4-H Horse Show. The award went to Claire Mischel of the Shooting Stars.
The Grant County 4-H program holds 4-H Shooting Sports from January through April for non-4-H and 4-H members. This past year, 70 youth participated in the archery and BB gun disciplines. In the various shooting sports disciplines, 31 youth competed at State 4-H Shooting Sports in Fort Pierre in April.
The volunteers for Shooting Sports were John Schwagel, Chris Mursu, and Twila Mursu. The top beginner award was given to Elijah Madsen. Top junior went to Mariah Madsen, and top senior was awarded to Tanner Schwagel.
The Grant County 4-H Shooting Sports Spirit Award recognizes youth who attend practices, shows enthusiasm for the project area, and improves throughout the course of the sport. This year’s recipient for bb gun, air pistol, air rifle disciplines is Tanner Schwagel.
Archery volunteers David Cizadlo, Bill Weller, and Jason Karels recognized archery participants with special awards. The top beginner was Adalena Hoke. Top junior went to William Karels, and top senior was Danielle Kasuske. The Grant County 4-H Spirit Award for archery went to Cailey Sime.
All 4-H Club leaders were also thanked and recognized. This year’s leaders include Susan Karels, Junior Busy Bees; Delores Kelly, Kountry Kids; Angie Bowen, Kountry Kids; Krecia Leddy, Madison Junior Livestock; Tammy Magilke, Madison Junior Livestock; Bill Steinlicht, Northern Lights; Kathy Steinlicht, Northern Lights; Larry Thompson, Saddle Pals; Jennifer Thiele, Saddle Pals; Dawn Vander Wal, Shooting Stars; Heidi Mischel, Shooting Stars; Lori Leddy, Young Explorers; Wade Leddy, Young Explorers, and Deb Peiker, Young Farmers.
During Achievement Days, each club is judged by volunteers on the Herdsmanship of their animals – how clean the stalls and alley are kept, how well the animals are cared for, appearance of the exhibitors, and their courtesy to visitors. Clubs presented with the Herdsmanship awards were Beef – Madison Junior Livestock; Dairy – Junior Busy Bees; Dairy Goats – Young Farmers; Meat Goats – Madison Junior Livestock; Poultry – Madison Junior Livestock and Northern Lights; Rabbit – Madison Junior Livestock; Sheep – Young Explorers; Swine – Young Explorers.
The 4-H Cloverbud program exists as a distinctive component in the 4-H youth development program. It is designed as a non-formal approach to developing the confidence, social skills, decision making abilities, subject matter knowledge, and physical skills of youth ages 5-8. Five new Cloverbuds were presented a certificate. They were: Mackenzie Mueller, Kaci Zinter, Shantel Eilers, Tenley Bohn, and Kyra Tostenson. Cloverbuds who have been part of the program for more than one year include Bailey Schwagel.
Years of membership pins were presented to 4-H members. First year pins went to: Michael Janssen, Madi Loeschke, Evan Rethke, Charlotte Street, Bradyn Wienk, Ashlee Van Hoorn, Emily Van Hoorn, Ashly Eilers, Averi Swezey, Mattison Scott, Bailey Schwagel, Cody Wiik, Mason Locke, and Kayla Schweer.
Five years pins were presented to: Colten Giesen, Cassidy Schwagel, Marion Mischel, Dylan Bohn, and Kendra Schweer.
Ten year pins were given to: Callie Bolin, Jenny Seehafer, Kadon Leddy, William Mischel, Katie Vander Wal, Sarah Jarman, Karlee Mertens, and Sydney Zenk
4-H members were presented project pins for the various projects they took part in. Project pins were presented to: Hailey Hupke, community service; Hope Karels, citizenship, clothing & textiles, community service, dog, hobbies & collections, leadership, music/dance, swine, visual arts; William Karels, electricity, engineering; Jessica Pillatzki, community service; Josh Pillatzki, community service; Cailey Sime, visual arts, foods & nutrition; Hailey Zinter, foods & nutrition; Kylene Bowen, clothing & textiles, home environment, horticulture, rabbits, sheep; Elizabeth Smith, photography; Jasmine Smith, horticulture, rabbit, sheep; Averi Sweezy, visual arts; Korbin Leddy, bicycle; Noah Mursu, citizenship; Logan Meyer, aerospace & rocketry, robotics; Cassidy Schwagel, foods; Marion Mischel, poultry; Katie Vander Wal, sheep; Dylan Bohn, poultry; Lindsey Mertens, foods.
Members were also honored with achievement medal awards. Honorees with the Bronze Award were Cooper Hupke, Devon Mueller, Abigail Pillatzki, Nadia Thue, Kylene Bowen, Elizabeth Smith, Jasmine Smith, Hunter Reede, Tucker Giesen, Lily Breske, Kendra Schweer and Marnie Van Lith. Receiving the Silver Award were Hailey Hupke, Hope Karels, Nathan Pillatzki, Lydia Street, Hailey Zinter, Elyse Reede, Brooke Schwagel, Connor Wiik, Matthew Christiansen and Marion Mischel.
Earning the Gold Award were: Devon Balling, Jessica Pillatzki, Josh Pillatzki, Cailey Sime, Benett Street, Ava Wienk, Owen Neeley, Casside Seezs, Allison Leddy and Karlee Mertens.
Premium Award winners were: Devon Balling, Cara Berkner, Jimmie Berkner, Dylan Bohn, Tenley Bohn, Callie Bolin, Kylene Bowen, Lily Breske, Matthew Christiansen, Taylor Dragt, Ashly Eilers, Laura Eilers, Shantel Eilers, Colten Giesen, Tucker Giesen, Sarah Jarman, Hope Karels, William Karels, Sage Lawrence, Allison Leddy, Kadon Leddy, Korbin Leddy, Mason Locke, Sage Locke, Madi Loeschke, Garrett Mertens, Karlee Mertens, Lindsey Mertens, Tanner Mertens, Logan Meyer, Claire Mischel, Marion Mischel, William Mischel, Kathryn Mogen, Kylee Mogen, Devon Mueller, Mackenzie Mueller, Noah Mursu, Owen Neeley, Abigail Pillatzki, Allison Pillatzki, Jessica Pillatzki, Josh Pillatzki, Nathan Pillatzki, Tracy Pillatzki, Elyse Reede, Hunter Reede, Bailey Schwagel, Brooke Schwagel, Cassidy Schwagel, Tanner Schwagel, Kaden Schweer, Kayla Schweer, Kendra Schweer, Mattison Scott, Jennifer Seehafer, Casside Seezs, Cailey Sime, Jasmine Smith, Lizzie Smith, Isaac Sousa, Noah Steinlicht, Averi Sweezy, Noah Thompson, Nadie Thue, Marnie Van Lith, Mia Van Lith, Katie Vander Wal, Ashlee Van Hoorn, Emily Van Hoorn, Ava Wienk, Bradyn Wienk, Cody Wiik, Connor Wiik, Sydney Zenk, Hailey Zinter.
Various Youth-In-Action and judging awards were presented within various areas. In Consumer Decision Making Judging participants included Dylan Bohn, Hope Karels, William Karels, Kylene Bowen, Ashly Eilers, Laura Eilers, Madi Loeschke, Logan Meyer, Brooke Schwagel, Cassidy Schwagel and Cailey Sime. In Fashion Revue, awards were given to Kylene Bowen, Ashly Eilers, Laura Eilers, Hope Karels, William Karels, Madi Loeschke, Elyse Reede, Bailey Schwagel, Brooke Schwagel, Cassidy Schwagel, Casside Seezs, Cailey Sime and Hailey Zinter.
Special Foods awards went toHope Karels, William Karels, Casside Seezs and Cailey Sime. Public Presentation awards were given to: Hope Karels, William Karels, Logan Meyer and Kylee Mogen. Dairy Judging participants included Colten Giesen, Devon Mueller, Tanner Schwagel, Kaden Schweer and Kendra Schweer. Livestock Judging participants were: Kadon Leddy, Korbin Leddy, Tanner Mertens, Jasmine Smith, Marnie Van Lith and Mia Van Lith. Awarded for the rabbit skill-a-thon were Brooke Schwagel and Cassidy Schwagel.
Those 4-H members who earned Grand Champion and Showmanship honors during the Grant County Achievement Days were also presented with their awards. Livestock Champion awards were presented to: Kadon Leddy, breeding beef; Korbin Leddy, market beef; Sydney Zenk, cat; Cara Berkner, kitten; Kendra Schweer, dairy heifer; Marion Mischel, dairy cow; Sydney Zenk, dairy goat; Allison Leddy, market meat goat; Dylan Bohn, breeding meat goat; Cara Berkner, poultry; Colten Giesen, waterfowl; Sydney Zenk, rabbit; Taylor Dragt, breeding ewe and breeding ram; Katie Vander Wal, market lamb; Tanner Mertens, market swine; Cara Berkner, champion animal; Isaac Sousa, beef rate-of-gain; Allison Leddy, meat goat rate-of-gain; Jasmine Smith, sheep rate-of-gain.
Champion Showmanship awards were given to: Garrett Mertens, beginner beef; Korbin Leddy, junior beef; Allison Leddy, senior beef; Brooke Schwagel, beginner cat; Cassidy Schwagel, junior cat; Cara Berkner, senior cat; Hope Karels, beginner dairy; Marion Mischel, junior dairy; Kendra Schweer, senior dairy; Sage Lawrence, junior dairy goat; Sydney Zenk, senior dairy goat; Isabella Anderson, beginner dog; Sage Locke, junior dog; Kylee Mogen, senior dog; Dylan Bohn, junior meat goat; Allison Leddy, senior meat goat; Brooke Schwagel, beginner horse; Marion Mischel, junior horse; Claire Mischel, senior horse; Tucker Giesen, beginner poultry; Cassidy Schwagel, junior poultry; Tanner Schwagel, senior poultry; Brooke Schwagel, beginner rabbit; Cassidy Schwagel, junior rabbit; Tanner Schwagel, senior rabbit; Jasmine Smith, junior sheep; Taylor Dragt, senior sheep; Garrett Mertens, beginner swine; Tanner Mertens, junior swine; Karlee Mertens, senior swine; Karlee Mertens, round robin winner, and Katie Vander Wal, showman of excellence winner.
Chuck Berkner and Delores Kelly
Sydney Zenk and Cara Berkner
Sara Koepke and Krecia Leddy
Claire Mischel
Casside Seezs, Elyse Reede, Madi Loeschke, and Cassidy Schwagel
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