The Milbank School District Board of Education met for their regular meeting on Monday, December 12. Prior to the meeting, the board members toured the newly acquired school bus.
To start the meeting, the board reviewed the financial status of the general fund. “This is the first month we are really taking a look at this,” stated Graf. “So it is really too early to tell how we will end up.” In FY17, the district had spent 31.50% of the budgeted expenditures through November. To date, the district is at 33.10%. “If you recall, our percentage last year was thrown off a bit because of the health insurance reserve that we had budgeted as an expense,” Graf said. “As a point of reference, we were at 32.18% of budgeted expenditures two years ago. Our cash reserves remain adequate.”
Graf gave an overview of Governor Daugaard’s State Budget Address which took place on December 5. “We were disappointed in the Governor’s recommendation of not following the formula for an inflationary increase in the teacher pay target formula for education,” Graf commented. “We had been hoping for a 1.7% increase in the formula as called for in the law. When the teacher compensation package was passed, it was passed with the intent that salaries would be looked at again after three years and compared to neighboring states. As always, there will be much discussion before a final budget is passed, and we will work to try and secure an increase.”
The first reading of a criminal background check policy was conducted. Proposed changes indicate language to eliminate. A second reading will be on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the board.
In action items, the board approved the hiring of Magen Robinson as a kitchen staff employee. She fills the vacancy left when Becky Johannsen transferred from the kitchen to the custodial staff. Magen will work at the middle school/high school building and Shelley Welberg will assume Becky’s duties at Koch Elementary.
The board accepted the bid from Unzen Motors in Milbank for a 2018 Chevrolet Suburban for $43,650. “This is a very competitive price with the state bid with the GM and Unzen Motors Discount applied,” Graf explained.
The board also approved the hiring of Adolph Shepardson as the head football coach for 2018, approved the principal effectiveness policy, and gave approval for the county, city, and school combined election agreement. The date is set for June 5, 2018. Sheila Bien and Amy Thue’s terms are up on the school board this year.
The next regular meeting of the board is Monday, January 8, at 6 p.m. in the Central Office board room..