Thirteen students from Milbank High School auditioned for the South Dakota All-State band. The South Dakota All-State Band concerts will be held in Rapid City on March 22-24.
Auditioning from Milbank were: Back l. to r.- Logan Meyer (freshman trombone), Drake Rogers (freshman tuba), Noah Mursu (sophomore alto sax), and Keaton Hagen (junior trumpet). Middle- Rebecca Loehrer (senior flute), Sadie Holland (senior clarinet), Kimberly Van Sambeek (junior alto sax), Kellie Christians (junior percussion), and Amaya Street (freshman trumpet). Front – Alaina Rausch (sophomore clarinet), Petyen Wiese (freshman clarinet), and Magally Aburto (senior trumpet). Pictured separately – Christina Lusk (senior clarinet).
Auditioning for the SD All-State Band qualifies the MHS students for the 2018 North Area Honor Band in Aberdeen in December. The students are instructed by Susan Karels, grades 6-12 band director, with assistance from Mrs. Deb Rausch.
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