Laura (Dailie) Mueller Chosen as Honorary Chair of Cancer Walk
Local News June 5, 2018 Staff Writer 0

Laura (Dailie) Mueller will be recognized as the honorary chairperson for the 2018 It Only Takes A Spark Cancer Walk. The Walk takes place this Friday, June 8, and Saturday, June 9, at Farley Park in Milbank.
Click here to see an additional story on Laura’s cancer journey.
The Walk events start Friday with a community picnic at 5 p.m. The picnic is coordinated by Bob Hartman and served by Kiwanis members. Inflatables, campsite activities, a public auction, a silent auction, and fireworks are all part of the line-up of entertainment. Fundraising takes place throughout the year, but the Walk has become a tradition in Grant County as a way for residents to help their friends, neighbors, and relatives diagnosed with cancer.
Milbank Care and Rehabilitation Center – Trolling for a Cure and the Big Stone City Bookends are two new teams who have entered the Walk. They join ten seasoned teams: Avera Hospital Milbank/Big Stone Therapies – Marching Medics, Bulldogs Fighting for a Cure, VFW Walking Warriors, United Hardware – United Pride, Nani O’Hana, POET – Fueling a Cure, Great Western Bank Superheroes, Lewis Drug – Growing a Cure, St. Williams/Whetstone Insurance -Game on All Stars, and the State Auto Kickers.
There’s still time to check out some of the items to be auctioned during the public auction, but hurry. See them on display in the breezeway of the Milbank Mall. And while you are there, drop your spare change in the decorated boots also on display, and Give Cancer the Boot!
Can’t make it to the Walk this weekend? You can still help by earmarking your Thrivent Choice Dollars for It Only Takes A Spark. Donations and memorials are also always welcome. Send to: It Only Takes a Spark at P.O. Box 105 in Milbank, SD 57252.
It Only Takes A Spark funds are available to any Grant County resident diagnosed with cancer. An application for funds can be obtained from the local clinics or hospital. Want to help at the Walk? Have a question? Call Ann Tuchscherer at 605.432.6023.
2018 It Only Takes A Spark Cancer Walk Schedule of Events
Community Picnic 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Inflatables 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Silent Auction Begins 5:00 p.m.
Walking Begins 6:00 p.m.
Opening Prayer/Parade of Teams 7:00 p.m.
Survivor Check-in Begins 7:00 p.m.
Color Guard, National Anthem 8:00 p.m.
Introduction of Honorary Chairperson, Lap of Life, Balloon Release Follows Anthem
Recognition of 20-year team members of It Only Takes A Spark Follows Balloon Release
Public Auction 8:30 p.m.
Silent Auction Closes 15 minutes after conclusion of public auction
Lighting the Way, Reading of the Luminary Names 9:15 p.m.
Fireworks At Dark
Cleanup Begins 5:00 a.m.
Breakfast and Awards 6:00 a.m.
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