Elisabeth Schwenn Selected as MHS October Student of the Month
Local News October 17, 2018 Staff Writer 0
Senior Elisabeth Schwenn was chosen as the October Student of the Month at MHS. Elisabeth is the daughter of Rick and Miriam Schwenn.
Elisabeth is a member of the cross country, girls basketball, and track teams. She participates in band, choir, color guard, FCA, TATU, National Honor Society, student council, and the drug coalition group. Elisabeth was also selected as a HOBY representative.
Elisabeth is involved in dance, youth group, and teaches Sunday school. She works at the Pumpkin Patch, S&D One Stop, and babysits.
Her favorite class is art, she says, “Because it’s the one class you can really express yourself in, and also just take a minute to breathe and relax.” After graduation from MHS, Elisabeth plans to pursue a physical therapy degree.
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