Fire Chief Kevin Schuelke announced the winners of Milbank Fire and Rescue’s annual raffle. Christopher Giesen won $300; Rusty Madsen, $250; Mary Brus, $200; Twin Valley Tire, $150; and Sydney Johnson, $100. Fire extinguishers were awarded to Daryl Wieting, Shirley Conraads, Noel White, Orville Hillbrands, and Stanley Street.
In lieu of creating fire districts or raising taxes, Milbank Fire and Rescue holds fundraisers throughout the year. In 2018, donations allowed the fire and rescue team to purchase automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBAs). The department now has 16 SCBAs, and their goal is to replace two per year. Each one costs about $6400.
Schuelke says, “A big thank you to our community for supporting our cause. It allows us to train, continue to purchase, and update equipment to the standards you and your loved ones expect…In the future, the department would like to invest in aerial drone technology with thermal imagery.”
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