Joel Foster, Grant County USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive Director CED, reminds producers the nomination period for local FSA county committees ends on August 1. County committees are unique to FSA; they allow producers to have a voice at the local level on federal farm program implementation. To be eligible to serve on the FSA county committee, a person must participate or cooperate in an agency administered program, be eligible to vote in a county committee election, and reside in the Local Administrative Area (LAA) where they are nominated.
This year, nominations and elections will be held in LAA 3, which includes: Adams, Georgia, Madison, Stockholm, Troy, and Vernon townships. Dustin Johnson is the current representative for LAA 3.
Famers and livestock producers can nominate themselves or other candidates. Organizations representing minority and women farmers and ranchers can also nominate candidates. To become a nominee, eligible individuals must sign form FSA-669A. The form is available online at: The 2019 nomination forms must be postmarked or received in the Grant County FSA Office by close of business on August 1.
Elected county committee members serve a three-year term and are responsible for making decisions about FSA disaster, conservation, commodity and price support programs, and other federal farm program issues. The Grant County FSA Committee currently has three elected members and one adviser. The elected members are Mark Mueller, Lyle Zirbel, and Dustin Johnson. The adviser is Betty Frogner.
For more information about county committees, contact the Grant County FSA office at 605.432.6570-Extension No. 2 or visit
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