Fire broke out at Dakota Granite around 4:30 p.m. on Sunday August, 4. Firefighters rushed to the scene, and Milbank Fire Chief Kevin Schuelke says, “Upon arrival, we found the fire had spread to two adjoining buildings which connect to the main plant. We also determined the fire was most dominant near the main feed for electrical power. To ensure the safety of our team, we could not make an interior attack. We needed confirmation of cut power.”
Schuelke says, “We also had to concentrate multiple offensive operations to keep the fire from entering the main plant, including through the doors, vents, etc. Plus, we needed exterior defensive operations on the adjoining buildings. The quarry’s onsite water tower, however, offered a unique advantage. It allowed us to flow large amounts of water.” Firefighters used water shuttle tanker operations and large diameter hose supply lines from the tower.
The Big Stone, Revillo, and Corona Fire departments also arrived to offer assistance. Schuelke says, “Their mutual aid was especially needed to relieve our men in the high temperatures and humidity of that day. One firefighter required medical attention for heat exhaustion and dehydration.”
Firefighters were on the scene for approximately five hours. The cause is under investigation.
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