The Grant County Christian Service Council is coordinating with Feeding South Dakota to provide an Emergency Food Giveaway in Milbank on Thursday, April 2. This giveaway is in addition to the giveaway planned for May 6.
The Emergency Giveaway will be held April 2 from 2-3 p.m. in the Milbank High School main parking lot. Anyone in need is welcome to pick up a box; there are no income requirements. This giveaway will be different from those held in the past. The food will already be boxed by volunteers at Feeding South Dakota. There is a limit of one box per family and two boxes per vehicle. No exceptions. If you need to pick up boxes for more than yourself and one other family, you will first pick up two boxes, exit the parking lot, and go to the back of the line to receive another box.
Enter the parking lot from East Seventh Avenue to get further driving directions. Open your trunk or back liftgate once you are in line and close to the Feeding South Dakota truck. As you pull up to the truck, a volunteer will place the box in your vehicle and close the door. Continue to the exit. If you are driving a pickup without a bed cover, a volunteer will place the box in the back. If your pickup box is covered and has a back liftgate that needs to be opened, have it open. The volunteer will close it before you exit. If you need the box placed in the back seat of your vehicle, continue through the line to the row of tables south of the truck. You will be responsible for picking up your box. Have a space ready so extra time isn’t needed to make room in your vehicle.
There will be no parking allowed in the main parking lot of the high school prior to the giveaway because of the school lunch pick up there. Parking is allowed in the east parking lot.
Unable to attend the giveaway? Make arrangements for someone to pick up a box for you. Physically unable to attend? Call the ICAP office at 432-6571 prior to Thursday to have a box delivered. Although the courthouse is locked, you can also call Val at 432-6571 to arrange the pickup of a box of food from the food pantry.
Need resources other than food? The Christian Service Council will try to assist you. Contact Val to coordinate with the CSC.
The Christian Service Council welcomes donations. The majority of their funding comes from donations at the Thrift Store, but churches, businesses, and individuals also contribute. Checks can be mailed to: Grant County Christian Service Council, 210 E. 5th Ave., Milbank, SD 57252.
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