The Grant County Commission met at 8AM by telephonic conference with the public. The meeting was held in the Courthouse Community Room. Commissioners Buttke,... Grant County Commission Proceedings: April 21, 2020

The Grant County Commission met at 8AM by telephonic conference with the public. The meeting was held in the Courthouse Community Room. Commissioners Buttke, Mach, Stengel, Street and Tostenson were present at the meeting site. Chairman Mach called the meeting to order. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Stengel to approve the minutes of the regular meeting for April 7 and the 2020 Equalization minutes of April 14, 2020. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Minutes filed. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Tostenson to approve the agenda as presented. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
Member of the public who joined telephonically was Bobbie Bohlen. Public present at the meeting site was Ken Dahlgren.

Auditor’s Account with the Treasurer for the month of March was noted.
To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Grant County:
I hereby submit the following report of my examination of the cash and cash items in the
hands of the County Treasurer of the County of Grant as of the last day of March, 2020
Cash on Hand
Checks in Treasurer’s possession
less than 3 days
Cash Items
First Bank & Trust
Credit Card Transactions/TIF Fee
First Bank &Trust (Svgs)
First Bank & Trust
First Bank & Trust (TIF)
General restricted cash
Cash Accounts for Offices General Fund
Sp. Revenue
Sp. Revenue restricted cash
Henze Road District
TIF Apportioning Northern Lights
TIF Milbank
TIF Northern Lights
Special assessment Land Rent
Trust & Agency
(schools 415705.27, twps 23,888.92, city/town 66,561.90)
Dated this 9th day of April, 2020
Karen M. Layher
County Auditor

The Register of Deeds fees for the month of March were $6,241.75, the Clerk of Courts fees for the month of March were $5,859.11 and the Sheriff Fees for the month of March were $2,625.05 with $2,517.05 receipted into the General Fund.

Highway: Supt Schultz presented the documentation from Turner County’s bid letting for equipment and personnel costs for bridge reconstruction. Supt Schultz is planning to use Hollaway Bridge and Culvert for reconstruction and repair of the larger bridge structures. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to accept the bid of Hollaway Bridge and Culvert as accepted by the Turner County Commission as allowed per SDCL 5-18A-22(3). Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Engineering: Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to approve signing the Letter of Contract with Banner for engineering services for structure 26-230-048 to do a hydraulic study and structural plans. The bridge is located on County Road 19 between section 35 and 36. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Work Schedule: Motion by Stengel and seconded by Buttke to re-establish the four day/10-hour work schedule for the Highway Dept employees beginning April 27. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Personnel: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve Brian Greiner moving to blade operator effective 02-24-2020 at a rate of $19.65. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Asphalt Roads: Supt Schultz reported Banner had given him a proposal for core samples of the asphalt road.

One bore of the core sample per one mile with the core sample being 6ft deep. The information obtained from the report would assist with decision making of repair and maintenance of the road. The contract would be for 35 miles per year for 5 years with the first-year cost to be $27,000. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve moving forward with the core samples of the asphalt roads with a contract with Banner Engineering. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Lake Albert: Supt Schultz reported the outlet culvert had been cleared of debris and the upstream culverts had been inspected and cleared.

Land Lease Sale: Motion by Buttke and seconded by Stengel to authorize Chairman Mach to sign the land leases for 2020. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
Land Leases:
1. Part of the NW ¼ NW ¼ 33-120-47 (About 15 Acres) Alban Twp. to Mielitz Brothers for $600.00.
2. S ½ NE ¼ 8-120-51 (40 Acres) Mazeppa Twp. to John Moes for $1600.00.
Contingency: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to approve the following contingency transfer. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
#112 Contingency #513 County Monuments $11

Shelter: Ken Dahlgren was present to discuss the shelter in Riggins Trailer Park. The ownership, management and the grant funding were discussed with further discussion at the May 19th meeting.

EM: Director Kevin Schulke reported on COVID-19. He recommended to keep the present policies implemented for the County in place and reassess at the May 19th meeting.

Economic Development: Director Bobbie Bohlen reported the construction on the housing project located at the previous hospital site has begun. She reported on the success of the gift certificate fundraiser for the local businesses and she talked about the 90 day interest free short-term loan fund for businesses.

DOE: Kathy Steinlicht presented a request for private appraiser, Mike Amo, to do a formal reappraisal of the ethanol plant. Mike had done the original appraisal of
the plant in 2002. Steinlicht explained due to the age of the appraisal, which is good for 10 years, it would be a good plan to have Mike complete a new appraisal. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Buttke to approve offering a contract with Mike Amo to perform a reappraisal of the ethanol plant at a cost of $7,000.00. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.

Board of Equalization: Chairman Mach adjourned the Board of Commissioners and reconvened the County Board of Equalization for the purpose of approving a veteran’s tax exemption that was filed late. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Buttke to approve DOE Steinlicht’s recommendation to approve adding the parcel qualifying for the veteran exemption under state statute to the 2020 assessment year. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Tostenson to adjourn as the County Board of Equalization for 2020. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Mach reconvened the Board of County Commissioners.
Consent: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to approve the consent agenda. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
1. Approve Plat:
BE IT RESOLVED by the board of County Commissioners of Grant County, South Dakota, that the plat entitled: “Lots 1 and 2 of Lee Second Addition Located in the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21,Township 121 North, Range 50 West of the 5th P.M., Grant County, South Dakota” which has been submitted for examination pursuant to law, and it appearing that all taxes and special assessments have been paid and that such plat and the survey thereof have been made and executed according to law, the plat is hereby approved, and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to endorse on such plat a copy of this Resolution and certify the same.
Dated at Milbank, South Dakota, this 21st day of April, 2020.
Michael J Mach, Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
Grant County, South Dakota
Karen M. Layher, County Auditor
Grant County, South Dakota
2. Approve step increase to 6 month rate of $14.05 for Barb Robinson, PT Librarian, effective 04-7-2020
3. Declare surplus items to be removed from inventory as no longer working or needed. List on file in the Auditor’s Office
Claims: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve the claims as presented. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. A-OX WELDING, supplies 231.89; ACCESS ELEVATOR, prof. service 450.00; ADVANCED TECH., supplies 47.90; BEACON CENTER, allocation 171.00; BERENS, supplies 505.60; BIEN PHARMACY, prisoner care RX 91.16; BUREAU OF INFORMATION, internet & email 550.00; CENTURION HOLDINGS, renewal maint. 120.00; CENTURYLINK, phones 591.79; CERTIFIED LANGUAGES, prof. service 11.55; CITY OF MILBANK, rubble site 5.00; COLEPAPERS, supplies 71.53; COLLABORATIVE SUMMER LIBRARY, supplies 367.80; COLONIAL RESEARCH CHEMICAL, supplies 151.18; MILBANK GLASS & MORE, prof. service 412.50; CRAIG DEBOER, car wash 44.50; DARCY LOCKWOOD, prof. service 15.00; DEAN SCHAEFER, prof. service 66.00; DESIGN ELECTRONICS, supplies 14.99; EMERY PRATT, books 31.89; FIRST BANK & TRUST, supplies 82.09; FREMAREK, supplies 109.84; FOOD-N-FUEL, prisoner meals 651.00; GRANT COUNTY REVIEW, publishing 33.52; GRANT-ROBERTS RURAL WATER, rural water 58.60; GREY HOUSE PUBLISHING, book 413.50; HARTMAN’S, prisoner meals & supplies 642.53; HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY, prof. service 200.00; INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, supplies 87.98; ITC, internet 159.71; JACKSON SCHWANDT, prof. service 100.00; JAMES B. WARD, publishing 100.00; JENNIFER MEYER, supplies 88.52; LEWIS & CLARK BEHAVIORAL, prof. service 178.00; LEWIS, prisoner care RX & supplies 2,147.45; LUCILLE LEWNO, prof. service 166.50; MARK KATTERHAGEN, prof. service 15.00; MILBANK AREA HOSPITAL AVERA, blabs 598.00; MILBANK AUTO PARTS, parts & supplies 1,282.51; MILBANK COMMUNICATIONS, repair 113.00; MUNDWILER FUNERAL HOME, prof. services 6,694.00; NEWMAN SIGNS, supplies 2,579.06; NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, natural gas 310.13; NOVAK SANITARY SERVICE, shredding service 78.48; OTTER TAIL, electricity 3,508.31; PCMG, supplies 538.00; PETTY CASH, postage 14.00; QUICK PRO LUBE, oil chg & repairs 864.87; QUILL, supplies 31.99; RC TECHNOLOGIES, 911 transport & tower rent 95.96; ROGER A. BRIGGS, supplies 35.76; SD ASSN CO COMMISSIONERS, clerp 3,989.00; SD DEPT OF HEALTH, blabs 245.00; ST WILLIAMS, inmate laundry 117.00; STAR LAUNDRY, prof. service 52.19; STEPP MFG, parts 1,262.64; PENWORTHY COMP., books 127.88; TRAPP PLUMBING, prof. service 114.24; U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, mailing expense 64.00; UPI PETROLEUM, ethanol & diesel 3,830.06; VALLEY OFFICE,
supplies 1,231.35; VALLEY SHOPPER, publishing 53.16; VERIZON, hotspot 38.52; VISA, supplies, gas, commissary, parts 769.22; WHETSTONE VALLEY ELECTRIC, electricity 1,042.31; XEROX, copier rent 713.77; YANKTON COUNTY SHERIFF, prof. service 50.00; YANKTON COUNTY TREASURER, prof. service 122.50. TOTAL: $39,752.43.
MONTHLY FEES: SDACO, ROD modernization fee 220.00; SD DEPT OF REVENUE, monthly fees 112,924.27. TOTAL: $113,144.27.
Payroll for the following departments and offices for the April 14, 2020 payroll are as follows: COMMISSIONERS 2,708.40; AUDITOR 9,387.99; TREASURER 5,253.26; STATES ATTORNEY 6,002.75; CUSTODIANS 2,959.15; DIR. OF EQUALIZATION 3,722.00; REG. OF DEEDS 3,726.46; VET. SERV. OFFICER 653.25; SHERIFF 12,265.63; COMMUNICATION CTR 6,333.64; PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 870.80; ICAP 306.80; VISITING NEIGHBOR 699.40; LIBRARY 5,818.83; 4-H 3,044.81; WEED CONTROL 1,902.00; PLAN & ZONING 1,080.80; ROAD & BRIDGE 31,277.73; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1,724.80. TOTAL: $99,738.50.
Payroll Claims: FIRST BANK & TRUST, Fed WH 8,147.75; FIRST BANK & TRUST, FICA WH & Match 12,157.74; FIRST BANK & TRUST, Medicare WH & Match 2,843.42; AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE, AFLAC ins. 1,390.29; WELLMARK-BLUE CROSS OF SD, Employee and Commission health ins. 686.72; OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, child support 210.00; SDRS SUPPLEMENTAL, deduction 1,195.83; SDRS, retire 11,159.40. TOTAL: $37,791.15.

Executive Session: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to enter into executive session at 10:25 AM for the purpose of a personnel(s) issue pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (1). Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Tostenson aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Auditor Layher was present. Chairman Mach declared the meeting open to the public at 10:55 AM and the telephonic connection was re-established. No action taken as a result of the executive session. Commissioner Buttke excused himself from the meeting at 10:45 AM.

It is the policy of Grant County, South Dakota, not to discriminate against the handicapped in employment or the provision of service.
The next scheduled meeting dates will be May 5 and 19, 2020 at 8 AM. Chairman Mach called for a motion to adjourned. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Tostenson to adjourn. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye, and Mach aye. Motion carried 4-0.
_________________________ ________________________________
Karen M. Layher, Grant County Auditor Michael J. Mach, Chairman, Grant County Comm

Staff Writer

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