June 4, 2020 The Grant County Commission met at 8AM by telephonic conference with the public. The meeting was held in the Courthouse Community... Grant County Commissioners Meeting- June 4

June 4, 2020
The Grant County Commission met at 8AM by telephonic conference with the public. The meeting was held in the Courthouse Community Room. Commissioners Buttke, Mach, Stengel, Street and Tostenson were present at the meeting site. Chairman Mach called the meeting to order. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Street to approve the minutes of the meeting for May 19, 2020. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Minutes filed. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Tostenson to approve the agenda as presented. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
Members of the public present were Joelie Hicks, Kenny Wiese, Todd Lounsbery, Dan Scoblic and Denise Scoblic. Holli Seehafer joined by teleconference.
The Chairman called for public comment. No member of the public addressed the Commission.
Drainage: Chairman Mach adjourned the Board of Commissioners and convened the commission acting as the Drainage Board. The Drainage Administrator presented the following permit requests.
Drainage Permit DR 2020-05 by Ron Anderson in the W1/2 of Section 16, Township 119, Range 49 (Madison Township). The request if granted would improve farm ground. The applicant and the other landowners with tiling projects are working on an agreement with downstream landowner, John Gill for the two tile outlets on the Gill land. Commissioner Street asked questions on the location and number of outlets. He did not have any issue with approving the permit but questioned where the water was going to outlet. Street motioned to table until the next meeting. Motion died due to a lack of a second. The drainage officer clarified there are two 15” outlets. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve permit DR 2020-05 with the condition to clarify on the applications the location of the two outlets. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street, aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
Drainage Permit DR 2020-06 by Jerry Bury in the SW1/4 of Section 26, Township 120, Range 49 (Grant Center Township). The request if granted would improve farm ground. The drainage officer stated the applicant is staying 50’ from the wetland designation and
will outlet into the blue line. There were five letters sent out and no objections were filed. Motion by Street and seconded by Stengel to approve permit DR 2020-06 as presented. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street, aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
This concluded the business for the Drainage Board. Chairman Mach adjourned the Drainage Board and reconvened the Board of Commissioners.
Highway: Supt Schultz reported he had a request from Jim Cummins to lower the speed limit past his residence from 40 to 30 mph due to safety concerns. Last year the county had installed additional signage for the intersection south of the Cummins’ residence, but speeding and safety of clients leaving their place of business continues to be a concern. After discussion it was the consensus of the Commission to have the Hwy Supt install the road counter, possibly a digital speed sign and to request the Sheriff and Deputies patrol the road. Whetstone: Commissioner Stengel and Supt Schultz reported on a meeting they had attended on the Whetstone River Diversion Project. The proposed project will add improvements to County Road 39 and a bridge would be replaced with a span length of 130’. The Minnesota DENR would be funding these improvements.
05/05 UPI 1.20 Cenex 1.30
UPI was the low bidder for a blend of Diesel 1 and 2 at 1.20.
05/13 UPI 1.24 Cenex 1.25
UPI was the low bidder for a blend of Diesel 1 and 2 at 1.24.
05/21 UPI 1.30 Cenex 1.32
UPI was the low bidder for a blend of Diesel 1 and 2 at 1.30.
05/21 UPI 1.479 1.30 Cenex 1.520 1.32
UPI was the low bidder for Ethanol at 1.479 and for a blend of Diesel 1 and 2 at 1.30.
EM: Director Kevin Schuelke provided an update on COVID-19 activity for the County. Currently, the cases remain at 13 with 11 recovered. He stated by practicing the safety measures of social distancing, masks and hand sanitizing, the Commission could consider reopening the Courthouse. Auditor Layher reported sneeze guard have been installed in the various offices with signage in place for social distancing. Also, she requested approval to purchase adhesive face masks if someone entering the Courthouse does not have a mask. As in previous
discussions, the temporary outside drop box has been received well by the public. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve purchasing the face masks, a permanent outside drop box and to authorize Auditor Layher to set the reopening date for the Courthouse. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
Primary Canvass: The Board canvassed the results of the June 2nd Primary Election and the results are as follows:
Milbank 1-1 Milbank 1-2
Poll Book Count 32 Poll Book Count 11
Absentee Count 67 Absentee Count 14 Ballots Counted 99 Ballots Counted 25
Milbank 2-1 Milbank 2-2
Poll Book Count 13 Poll Book Count 57
Absentee Count 15 Absentee Count 92 Ballots Counted 28 Ballots Counted 150
Milbank 3-1 Milbank 3-2
Poll Book Count 8 Poll Book Count 12
Absentee Count 14 Absentee Count 20 Ballots Counted 22 Ballots Counted 32
Milbank 3-3 41 Adams-Albee-Revillo-Vernon
Poll Book Count 43 Poll Book Count 37
Absentee Count 90 Absentee Count 51 Ballots Counted 134 Ballots Counted 88
42 Alban 43 Big Stone City & Twp Poll Book Count 25 Poll Book Count 59
Absentee Count 51 Absentee Count 75 Ballots Counted 76 Ballots Counted 133
44 Blooming Valley-Farmington-Lura 45 Georgia-LaBolt-Madison
Poll Book Count 5 Poll Book Count 21
Absentee Count 18 Absentee Count 37 Ballots Counted 23 Ballots Counted 58
46 Grant Center 47 Melrose
Poll Book Count 23 Poll Book Count 25
Absentee Count 41 Absentee Count 44 Ballots Counted 64 Ballots Counted 69
49 Mazeppa-Osceola-Marvin 52 Stockholm Town & Twp
Poll Book Count 17 Poll Book Count 8
Absentee Count 15 Absentee Count 18 Ballots Counted 32 Ballots Counted 26
53 Troy & Strandburg 54 Twin Brooks Town & Twp-Kilborn Poll Book Count 7 Poll Book Count 28
Absentee Count 9 Absentee Count 22 Ballots Counted 15 Ballots Counted 50
Total ballots cast were 1123 with a 24.42% turnout.
Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to certify the canvass of votes as correct and to sign the canvass certificate for the Secretary of State’s Office. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
Zoning / SB 157: States Attorney Mark Reedstrom was present to discuss SB 157 which is effective on July 1 and how the bill may impact the zoning ordinance. He explained the different sections of the bill, the first segment defines an aggrieved person for litigation purposes and another section is on special permitted uses. This would allow a permit to be issued without a hearing if pre-determined criteria were met as defined in a revised ordinance. With the new law taking effect in July, Mark suggested he would be willing to work with Todd Kays from First District to review the current ordinance for updating to the new law and making the ordinance more streamlined for understanding and implementing. Members of the Commission commented on the effect of the new law on the current ordinance, the time spent with the study group updating the present ordinance and that the intention is not to remove the measurable objectives such as the setbacks and the concerns of the local residents should be considered by the Commission. Members of the public present commented on State control of zoning versus the best option of keeping zoning issues at the local level, the current ordinance went through a long revision and it is working, leave it as it and keep it local. States Attorney Reedstrom clarified the special permit section of SB157 would need to be added to the zoning ordinance and any changes presented would need to go through the hearing process with the P & Z Board as well as the Commission. No action was taken.
Claims: Motion by Street and seconded by Stengel to approve the claims as presented. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, supplies 44.57; AUTOVALUE, parts & supplies 762.53; CITY OF MILBANK, water & sewer 589.93; COLONIAL RESEARCH CHEMICAL, supplies 106.82; CONSOLIDATED READY MIX, gravel 8,512.08; DARCY LOCKWOOD, prof services 15.00; DELORIS RUFER, lib rent 100.00; DUANE ATHEY, supplies 49.98; ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE, supplies 2,868.94; FREMAREK, supplies 269.77; GRANT CO TREASURER, postage 6.95; GRANT COUNTY REVIEW, publishing 1,199.01; GRANT/ROBERTS AMBULANCE, allocation 2,458.33; IAAO, registration 449.10; INTER-LAKES COMM ACTION, service worker 2,414.42; KEVIN MEYER, supplies 100.00; LUCILLE LEWNO, prof. services 166.50; MAC’S, supplies 18.07; MACK STEEL WAREHOUSE, supplies 78.35; MARK KATTERHAGEN, prof. services 15.00; MARKVE INSURANCE SOLUTIONS, insurance 120.00; MCLEOD’S, supplies 393.30; MICROMARKETING, audio/visuals 88.78; MIDCONTINENT, internet 90.53; MILBANK COMMUNICATIONS, repairs & maint 75.00; NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, natural gas 408.69; PETTY CASH, postage 3.80; RIVER STREET PETROLEUM, diesel fuel 6,515.80; SCANTRON, prof. services 4,610.46; SCOTT BRATLAND, court appt atty 4,088.98; SD ASSN CO COMMISSIONERS, clerp 3,989.00; SD SECRETARY OF STATE, insurance 60.00; SPAN PUBLISHING, reference book 149.00; TRUENORTH STEEL, culverts 1,504.90; TWIN VALLEY TIRE, repair & maint 300.80; VALLEY RENTAL & RECYCLING, allocation 650.00; WEGNER AUTO CO, auto equip 28,423.00; WHETSTONE HOME CENTER, supplies 97.48; YANKTON COUNTY SHERIFF, prof. services 50.00. TOTAL: 71,844.87.
Payroll for the following departments and offices for the May 28, 2020 payroll are as follows: COMMISSIONERS 2,708.40; AUDITOR 8,484.25; ELECTION 1,166.86; TREASURER 5,253.26; STATES ATTORNEY 6,002.75; CUSTODIANS 2,979.35; DIR. OF EQUALIZATION 3,722.00; REG. OF DEEDS 3,726.46; VET. SERV. OFFICER 1,105.50; SHERIFF 12,268.30; COMMUNICATION CTR 6,055.50; PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 870.80; ICAP 389.40; VISITING NEIGHBOR 600.00; LIBRARY 5,849.08; 4-H 3,108.16; WEED CONTROL 1,997.18; P &Z 1,196.60; Drainage 77.20; ROAD & BRIDGE 31,146.34; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1,724.80. TOTAL: $100,432.19.
Payroll Claims: FIRST BANK & TRUST, Fed WH 8,154.57; FIRST BANK & TRUST, FICA WH & Match 12,189.36; FIRST BANK & TRUST, Medicare WH
& Match 2,850.82; AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE, AFLAC ins. 1,390.29; WELLMARK-BLUE CROSS OF SD, Employee and Commission health ins. 48,602.24; COLONIAL LIFE INS, ins 101.51; DEARBORN NATIONAL, life ins. 287.34; LEGAL SHIELD, deduction 63.75; OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, child support 210.00; OPTILEGRA, ins 441.18; SDRS SUPPLEMENTAL, deduction 1,195.83; SDRS, retire 11,318.85. TOTAL: $86,805.74.
Executive Session: Motion by Stengel and seconded by Buttke to enter executive session at 11:34 AM for the purpose of a personnel(s) issue pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (1). Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Auditor Layher was present. Chairman Mach declared the meeting open to the public at 12:02 PM and the telephonic connection was re-established. No action was taken because of the executive session.
It is the policy of Grant County, South Dakota, not to discriminate against the handicapped in employment or the provision of service.
The next scheduled meeting dates will be June 16 and July 7, 8 (budget) and 21, 2020 at 8 AM. Chairman Mach called for a motion to adjourned. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Buttke to adjourn. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned.
_________________________ ________________________________
Karen M. Layher, Grant County Auditor Michael J. Mach, Chairman, Grant County Comm

Staff Writer

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