The Milbank City Council met for their regular meeting on Monday, October 12, in the Millbank Community Room.
Voting results for five items on the consent agenda include:
Authorized Mayor Raffety to sign documents regarding AIP Grant #3-46-0034-017-2020 CARES Act, $20,000. Appointed Jason Sackreiter to the planning and zoning commission. Sackreiter will serve as a full time member from October 2020 to December 2021. Appointed Luis Jimenez de la Torre to the parks and recreation board. Jimenez de la Torre will serve from October 2020 to December 2023. Extended Ron VanHoorns’s leave of absence to January 1, 2021. Approved Resolution 10-12-20B to consolidate boards of equalization- the city and county boards.
Resolution 10-12-20 was also passed. The request was of additional stop and yield signs for the elementary vicinity. The areas of concern were East Park Avenue and eastbound on Ninth Street, East Summit and eastbound on Ninth Street, East Fifth Avenue and eastbound on Ninth Street Street. Scott Meyer of the streets department reported all signs are in place. The resolution needed approval to be entered in the municipal code.
Items declared as surplus: 1. Crafco Model 200 joint and crack cleaner
2. Crafco EZ Pour 50 Melter
3. Stepp Mfg Electric pre-mix heater 2.75 c. yd. without generator
4. Steel light poles – 20 – 20 ft sections
5. Galvanized light poles – six- 20 ft sections 6. Galvanized luminaire arms – six – 30 ft sections
7. Traffic signal controller boxes – three
8. Signal heads (Minus lenses and bulbs)
9. Athletic field light heads – 30 – 240 Volt None of the items have an estimated value over $500. Johnson, Foster, and Hanson were assigned to work with Milbank City Administrator John Forman to have the items appraised and disposed of as necessary.
Progress on the Lake Farley campground construction was reported: most of the dirt work has been completed, campsites are platted, and Banner Engineering is coordinating with the railroad company to secure the drainage line on the west side of the property.
Kelly’s Cutters bid of $74,850 for mowing in the City of Milbank from April 1, 2021 to November 1, 2021 was approved.
Payments for bills totaling $334,396.21 were approved. The second reading of Ordinance 831, a supplemental budget ordinance of almost $1.9 million, was approved. The funds would cover principal, interest, and maintenance.
The council authorized the mayor to establish a community foundation for the City of Milbank with the South Dakota Community Foundation.
The council approved Resolution 10-12-20A, replat Lot 1 & 2 of Whetstone-Manor Addition. The action clarifies the property line between Whetstone Valley Electric and the Manor Motel.
Planning and Zoning reported three twin homes will be erected in Valley View addition.
The council approved the hiring of Wes Bowsher as full time police officer, effective October 13.
Councilman Hanson reported he, Police Chief VanVorren, and Fire Chief Schuelke met last week regarding confusion about the weather emergency sirens and fire/rescue sirens. The group plans to contact 911 dispatch to request no sirens for emergencies between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. If granted, the only sirens in Milbank during that time would be weather emergency. The group believes it is the responsibility of the firefighters and first responders to access their pagers during those hours. This plan will make the public fully aware that when the sirens are used in the night it is for weather related emergencies only.
The next meeting of the Milbank City Council is Monday, November 9, at 7 p.m. in the Milbank Visitors Center.
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