Nine Milbank Firefighters Attend Fire School
Local News June 27, 2021 Staff 0

The Milbank Fire and Rescue Department was represented by nine members at the South Dakota State Fire School in Fort Pierre from June 10-12. Mike Waldner, Jordan Gertsema, Bryan Huber, Dave Ehlebracht, Blaine Schell, Kyle Schwandt, Jason Fraasch, Kerby Weets, and Kevin Schuelke participated. Pump operations, emergency vehicle operation, live fire training, flashover, gas emergency response, vehicle extrication, and leadership in the fire service were some of the classes offered.

Fire Chief Schuelke says, “It’s important for our firefighters to attend this training as the South Dakota Firefighters Association brings in professional instructors from around the nation. We owe it to our community to learn and keep up with the ever-changing threats firefighters face.”
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