Everywhere you go, you see your Combined Appeal donation dollars at work in Grant County. From the community transit service and 60’s plus dining... Combined Appeal Milbank Business Blitz Begins Wednesday

Everywhere you go, you see your Combined Appeal donation dollars at work in Grant County. From the community transit service and 60’s plus dining program to the swim team, ball diamond, The Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and more, you can witness people helping people every day.

Tomorrow you’ll see youth from the organizations that benefit from your donation and GCCC organizers walking into your business. it’s their annual Business Blitz  on September 29 from 1-3 p.m! 

The group has high hopes you will be as generous as you were last year when they begin the 2021 campaign to raise $185,300 to fund 19 organizations. 

Donations for the online auction are also greatly appreciated and can also be picked up on Wednesday.

And you can rest assured that all of your donation dollars –100 percent– stay right here in Grant County. Your help goes directly to help:
* Backpack Program – food for children to take home * Big Stone City School OST Program – summer and after-school childcare* Grant County ARC –  helps handicapped residents live, learn, and work * Grant County Child Protection Team* Grant County Heart and Diabetes Fund – helps with medical bills and prescriptions for low-income residents * ICAP 60s Plus Dining Program * Imagination Library – a book a month for a child for their first five years of life * Interlakes Community Action Partnership (ICAP) * MHS Clay Target Team – part of USA High School Clay Target League for grades 6-12 * Milbank Area Community Tennis Association (MATCA) * Milbank Area Lions Swim Team (MALST)* Milbank Ball Diamond Association* Milbank Boy Scout Troop 45* Milbank Community Transit – reliable, safe, and affordable rides * Milbank Girl Scouts * NEGL Red Cross – relief for disaster victims and prevention of emergencies * The Salvation Army * Unity Square Financial Scholarship Program * Unity Square Recreation Programs

Questions? Don’t have a business, but want to make a donation? Stop and see Craig Wellnitz at the Milbank Community Foundation 103 Flynn Drive in the building by the Hollands Grist Mill or call 605.432.9000. Email Craig at milbankcf@itcmilbank.com
Wellnitz says, “The phrase ‘People Helping People’ is truly alive in Grant County and we thank you so much for your continued support.” See you tomorrow!


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