Three members of the Milbank School District submitted their letters of resignation at the board of education’s regular meeting on Monday, January 9. Sue... Three Resignations Submitted at Milbank School Board Meeting

Three members of the Milbank School District submitted their letters of resignation at the board of education’s regular meeting on Monday, January 9. Sue Pauli’s retirement became effective immediately due to her health, and Becky Lambrechts and Kevin Schnaser will retire at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

In her letter to the board, Pauli, who was employed by the district for 15 years, expressed sadness that a change in her health was forcing her to retire and move from the community. She stated, “I am missing and will continue to miss my job and the students and staff very much. I learned so much. I send good wishes to everyone there and thank them for their friendship, humor, and advice over the years.”  Pauli had been serving as the librarian at MHS.

Lambrechts has been teaching in the Milbank School District for 39 years. In her letter to the board, she stated she plans to start a new chapter in her life. She also said, “I appreciate how the district has allowed me to move to different positions over the years as I have found my true passion for teaching in the areas of elementary math and science.”

Schnaser indicated in his letter that the time he spent working in the Milbank School District “comprised the most rewarding work experience of his life.” He has been a Spanish instructor for seven years. 

Other business at the school board meeting included:

School Board Election – The board approved June 6 as the date for the next school board election. Milt Stengel’s seat is the only one that will appear on the ballot.

Snow Days – At the time of the meeting, the district had two snow days to make up. Board members voted to forgive one of the days and recoup the other on May 18 as an In-Service day. Superintendent Justin Downes noted future snow days will be e-learning days. (Latest schedule changes- January 13: In-Service, February 13: In-Service with Conferences beginning at 2:30, February 17: No School or In-Service)

Kiwanis Club Membership – The board approved the school joining the Milbank Kiwanis Club. The Kiwanis Club issued the invitation of membership in hopes of increasing knowledge of school activities and streamlining communication.

Endowment Gift – The board approved a gift of $17,500 from the Milbank School Endowment. The funds will be earmarked for the salary of the resource officer for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year. The salary was not included in the current budget. [Jake Folk has been hired as the new resource officer.]

Reports – Reports were presented by the high school, middle school, and elementary principals. Special services and athletic directors were also given the opportunity to provide additional information.
The next regular meeting of the Milbank School District Board of Education is scheduled for Monday, February 13, at 6 p.m. in the board room.


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