Kathy Tyler, head debate coach for MHS, said, “ In spite of illness, injury, and other incidents, the Milbank Speech and Debate team walked... Bulldogs Win Second-Place Sweepstakes Trophy at Central

Kathy Tyler, head debate coach for MHS, said, “ In spite of illness, injury, and other incidents, the Milbank Speech and Debate team walked away from the Aberdeen Golden Eagle Cup with the second-place Class A sweepstakes trophy. The tournament took place on at Aberdeen Central on November 22-23.

Max Schuelke fueled the team’s runner-up finish by bringing home the first-place mug in the Lincoln-Douglas Debate division. Bri Hicks earned 10th place. Only one of Milbank’s Public Forum teams was able to attend. That duo, Del Angel Chavez and Addison Brown, experienced their first big tournament and gained valuable knowledge.

Charlotte Street’s partner in the Novice Public Forum competition became ill and could not participate, but an Aberdeen student was also without a partner. The two joined forces and finished in sixth place.

In Friday’s Individual Events division, Bri Hicks and Jenna Korstjens made their debut in Informative Oratory. They placed 12th and 15th respectively.

Other attendees from MHS: Carlos Olivares Zuniga, Original Oratory; Trixie Coalter, Drama; Ruth Luis Gomez, Original Oratory and Poetry; Taylor Hallquist, Original Oratory; Elexia Quintanilla and Keira Steffen, Student Congress.

The oral interp students finished up their first season of the year at the Golden Cup. Their new season starts in January.

What’s next? The MHS debaters head to Yankton on December 14. They close out their fall season at the Brookings Bell on December 20 -21. The Bulldogs debaters also start a new season after the Christmas break.

Submitted Photo: Max Schuelke, Charlotte Street, Keira Steffen, Bri Hicks, Miriam Del Angel Chavez, Addison Brown


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