Members Only Rock Concert To Hit Lake Farley
The Milbank Area Chamber of Commerce will sponsor its second annual Rock concert at Lake Farley Park Saturday, August 1, with the band Members Only playing 80s music. The gates open at 8 p.m. and the concert begins at 9 p.m. “One thing that has seemed to confuse people... Read more
Pierre S.D. – Local law enforcement is seeking information into a suspicious vehicle that is believed to be attempting to abduct children in communities in eastern South Dakota. Three separate incidents in Britton, Redfield and Sisseton have been reported to law enforcement. 7-13-15, Britton, SD.  Location – city park,... Read more
WILMOT, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says Highway 123 south of Wilmot closed to traffic this morning, Wednesday, July 22. The closure is required so the contractor can install a pipe culvert across the roadway at mile marker 179 in order to correct drainage issues in... Read more
Farley Fest Crowd 1,100 Strong
Craig Campbell and Keith Anderson like many area residents enjoyed the Farley Fest activities efore they performed Saturday evening. The threat of stormy weather did not keep 1110 fans from enjoying Campbell’s and Anderson’s hits, as well as, ballads they wrote for some of the top names in the... Read more
Video: Milbank Hosts Annual Farley Fest This Weekend
The Valley Express sits down with Milbank Chamber Director Connie Larson to discuss Farley Fest 2015. Click play to watch the video. Read more
Video: Exclusive First Look Inside Milbank’s New Shopko Hometown Store
The Valley Express gives you an exclusive sneak peak inside Milbank’s new Shopko Hometown store. Click to play to see the video. Read more
Governor Daugaard Tours Local Businesses When Milbank is Capital
On Thursday, Milbank hosted Governor Dennis Daugaard, First Lady Linda Daugaard and several state officials as South Dakota’s Capital for a Day. Governer Daugaard started the day in Milbank meeting with members of the city council and area legislators, then greeted residents at the Milbank Visitor Center. Executive director of the... Read more
Governor’s Economic Outlook Positive
Governor Dennis Daugaard and First Lady Linda Daugaard visited Milbank on June 11.  The governor was in town to declare Milbank Capital for the Day. Following the proclamation, he remained to deliver a State of the State Address.  In his remarks, the governor was bullish on South Dakota’s economic... Read more
Shrine Circus Comes To Town May 30 and 31
Children of all ages will experience the Greatest Show On Earth this weekend in Milbank. The Yelduz Shrine Circus, along with Circus Spectacular, will present four big shows. The circus will be held in the Milbank Armory on May 30th and 31st  with showtimes at 3 & 7 pm on Saturday... Read more
Milbank Remembers Fallen Soldiers
People think of Memorial Day as the official start of summer, grilling, fun and a few days off of work, however,  Memorial Day is really the day set aside to honor America’s war dead. This morning in the Milbank High School Armory that is just what happened. Homage was... Read more