HAVANA (AP) — The Obama administration on Friday formally removed Cuba from a U.S. terrorism blacklist, a decision hailed in Cuba as the healing of a decades-old wound and an important step toward normalizing relations between the Cold War foes. Secretary of State John Kerry signed off on rescinding... Read more
Fort Sisseton Historic Festival Returns
PIERRE, S.D. – The oldest standing fort in South Dakota is once again bringing history to life. Fort Sisseton’s annual festival will take place June 5-7. The festival boasts over 15,000 visitors on average. The exhibit dedication of the last U.S. flag to fly over Fort Sisseton will take... Read more
PIERRE, S.D.  – Attorney General Marty Jackley announced today that U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has denied the Obama administration’s request to begin implementation of his suspension of immigration laws. South Dakota joined 26 State Attorneys General and Governors in December 2014 in a lawsuit challenging the executive... Read more
AMHERST, S.D – A Claremont, S.D., man, identified as Darren Stahl, was killed in a one-vehicle rollover that occurred Sunday night, one mile north of Amherst. The South Dakota Highway Patrol said Stahl was driving a 2002 Chevrolet Suburban southbound on 415th Avenue/113thStreet when he lost control as the road turns... Read more
Wall, S.D. – A Sallisaw, Oklahoma man died Saturday in a one-vehicle crash that occurred 10 miles south of Wall. Officials have withheld the name of the victim pending notification of family. The South Dakota Highway Patrol says Saturday’s crash occurred at 4:53 p.m. Saturday on South Dakota Highway... Read more
NEW YORK (AP) — As TV watchers increasingly look online for their fix, cable companies are bulking up. In the latest round, Charter Communications is buying Time Warner Cable for $55.33 billion. And executives say they’re confident regulators will allow the creation of another U.S. TV and Internet giant.... Read more
Milbank Remembers Fallen Soldiers
People think of Memorial Day as the official start of summer, grilling, fun and a few days off of work, however,  Memorial Day is really the day set aside to honor America’s war dead. This morning in the Milbank High School Armory that is just what happened. Homage was... Read more
ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) — President Barack Obama on Monday saluted Americans who died in battle, saying the country must “never stop trying to fully repay them” for their sacrifices. He noted it was the first Memorial Day in 14 years without U.S. forces engaged in a major ground war.... Read more
Memorial Day Programs Scheduled Today
UPDATE: Due to weather, the Memorial Day program in Milbank will be held inside the Milbank High School Armory! Memorial Day services begin this morning in Milbank with Father Gary DeRouchey conducting mass at 8:00 am in the St. Lawrence Cemetery. The posting of the memorial wreaths will follow the mass. Beginning... Read more
Fly Your Flags At Half Staff on Memorial Day
Governor Daugaard is requesting that all flags be flown at half mass on Memorial Day. Those who fought to make America great and made the ultimate sacrifice will be honored on Memorial Day 8:00 am to noon with flags being at half staff. From noon until sunset the flags can... Read more